


Jesus Blesses Little Children

 And they were bringing children to him, that he might touch them; and the disciples rebuked them. But when Jesus saw it he was indignant, and said to them, “Let the children come to me, do not hinder them; for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” And he took them in his arms and blessed them, laying his hands upon them. Mark 10:13-16


Meaning Of Childlikeness
         Any person who wants to enter the kingdom should become like the children. Childlikeness is very important because of the following reasons: Skipping Lambs

1.     Children are role models, because they easily forgive and forget.

2.     They are not like adults who are fond of quarrelling.

3.     Unlike the grown ups, the children do not bear grudges.

4.     This teachings refers not only the ordinary children you see every day.

5.     But also includes all those who are childlike, who behave like children, in their thoughts, words and actions.

  1. Children are always joyful and glad. They rejoice a lot. You find them rejoicing, playing and dancing at home, on the road, at school, etc, even in the face of difficulties or challenges. Adults do not usually do so. They think it is unnecessary to do so. Therefore, they miss out on the kingdom of heaven everyday. While children rejoice a lot, adults move about like logs of wood.
  2. They do not concern or burden themselves with the cares and worries of life. Have you ever seen a child worrying about what to wear, what to eat, what house to build or what car to drive? That is why you find children playing in the face of difficulties. You find them playing at funerals, while the adults mourn.
  3. Children are easily impressed with things. They spend their time trying to catch a butterfly. They are pleased to have the sand rain down from their hands. They spend a lot of time looking at the goat, feeding it or playing with it. Quite unlike the adults, who take many blessings for granted.
  4. Children easily forgive and forget, unlike the adults who bear grudges and hatred for many days, for years, and until death, even so with pretense.
  5. Children emulate the adults. Likewise, humanity should emulate God in all His ways.
  6. They go to their parents when they have problem. But many people trust themselves when they have problem, instead trusting in God. They go to other gods or places, instead turning to God.
  7. Children depend on their parents for their sustenance and provisions. In the same way, humanity should depend on God for all goodness. “You have no other work to do, except to be praising my good works,” says the Almighty.
  8. Children are not possessive. Generally, they do not attach themselves to people, places or things. They are ready and happy to go wherever their parents go. Mankind should abide in the Lord.
  9. Children have very few desires, unlike adults who have so many desires. The desires bring disappointments and anger when they are not fulfilled. Earthly desires keep people away from God.

         The holy book teaches that unless one become as a little child, he cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven. That is true, and it means to have a childlike simplicity, the disposition to appreciate, to easily forgive and forget, the desire to know more about every wonder one meets in life, and a true faith that some other benefits are possible in place of losses.