
As dangerous and misleading as worldliness.

The Man Who Saw God Face To Face
Raphael Okechukwu Nweze

  1. How To Overcome The World
  2. God expects you to become a saint. Sad enough, people only believe. Learn how to overcome the world!

  3. Do Not Be Deceived By The Illusions Of This World
  4. Whoever that cannot forgo the pleasures of this world for the sake of the kingdom of heaven is not worthy of the Truth.

  5. Beware Of Your Lifestyle!
  6. Follow the narrow path into everlasting life, wherein is abundant treasures and pleasures.

Relevant Topics

The worst thing that can happen to a person
is to have an ignorant reverend as a teacher!

Of course, you would like to know more about the following...
  1. What A Lost World?
  2. Majority are not only dead. They are blind, deaf, dumb, lame and paralyzed.

  3. The World Is Full Of Darkness
  4. People do not know what darkness means. How terrible it is!

  5. Television
  6. Beware of the broad and easy way.

  7. This World Is Very Sick
  8. The worst thing is that our secular and religious leaders are spiritually blind - ignorant. It is both amazing and misleading. Yet, each claims to be superior than others.

  9. Rebuke Against Noise Making
  10. The Holy Spirit is rebuking the world against noise making.

  11. How Devil Misleads The World - Part I
  12. You are busy expecting Armageddon and the Anti-Christ, whereas many are already inside the enemy's net.

  13. How Devil Misleads The World - Part II
  14. Beware of the End Time snares of the enemy.

  15. How Devil Misleads The World - Part III
    For so many generations, humanity have been belittling God, if that were possible, thinking that they are praising Him. And what many call religions are nothing but multiplicity of idolatry. Is this not an enough cause for concern?

  16. How Devil Misleads The World - Part IV
  17. The only power that Devil has over you is your own ignorance. Jesus made it clear when He said, "You shall know the Truth and the Truth shall set you free." John 8:32

  18. How Devil Misleads The World - Part V
  19. "For lack of nknowledge my people perish...," says the Lord.

  20. How Devil Misleads The World - Part VI
  21. A wise man is always watchful against his enemies. But children of God have sold themselves into the hands of Devil. Only true repentance can bring them back to Salvation, which has been given freely to humanity.