
Success And Prosperity


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The Lord Promises Future Wellbeing

Now, they say, things are hard.

Now, they say, things are hard.

And it seems God is keeping quiet.

And it seems as if God is not answering prayers.


Son of man, tell them that they shall eat and eat and eat,

 and fall down to the ground, eating and praising God.

Son of man, tell them that they shall eat and eat and eat, and prostrate on the ground, praising God.

Son of man, time is coming, time is coming, they shall eat and fall down to the ground, praising God.


Read Psalm 126 for them.


Let them use this psalm 126 as the psalm for weekly prayer, for this week.

Let them pray it every morning and night, for them to see the good things God has prepared for them


Certainty Of Wellbeing For The Believers

Tell those here, who are believers, that each time the swords are sprayed out, the swords shall be victory for them.

The swords shall be open door (prosperity) for them.

The swords shall be life unto them.

Both those who rise to fight against God, the swords shall surely strike them down, both spiritually and physically.

In Jesus name.


The Holy Spirit Consoles His Children

Peace be with you.

Peace be with you.

Peace be with you.


Let my grace abound for you.

Let my grace abound for you.

Let my grace abound for you.


Let the light of the Holy Spirit shine upon you.

Let the light of the Holy Spirit shine upon you.

Let the light of the Holy Spirit become radiant in your lives.


My children, I have come to stay with you.

I came to console you.

And I have come to encourage you.

And I have come to encourage you.

And I have come to encourage you.


My children, strive very hard.

My children, strive very hard.

My children, strive very hard.


What does it mean to strive very hard?

Remain steadfast in the way of salvation, which is the Sabbath worship.

Strive very hard, remain steadfast in this holy mountain, in this ministry.


My children, a labourer (worker) has his pay.

My children, a labourer (worker) has his pay.

I shall pay everybody according to his work.

I shall pay everybody according to his work.

I shall pay everybody according to his work.


My children, do not backslide.

Do not stop moving forward, for I, the Holy Spirit, am everywhere.

I am everywhere.

I am everywhere.

Just as the sunshine is everywhere.


On Success And Prosperity

Let me not look for any of you, after God opens ways of success and prosperity, after God has blessed you. If you leave this ministry, I shall just collect all the blessings from you and pack them here under the altar. Even the ones you have eaten shall all be taken back from you. And when you return to the ministry, I shall restore the blessings to you.


If you leave this ministry, I shall collect all the blessing from you, and pack them. And I shall use key to lock the blessings.


The Holy Spirit Assures Of Coming Prosperity

My people are crying that things are hard, let the members remain steadfast because my grace is coming fast. Tell them, warn them that the first shall not be the last, and the last become the first. Warn them because my ministers are coming, my ministers are coming, very fast.

Let everybody remain steadfast, so that his own blessings shall get to him, so that his own blessings shall get to him, so that his own blessings shall get to him.


Let the members and ministers stop worrying themselves, because I am present with them. I, the Holy Spirit, is present. I am hearing their prayers. I am hearing their petitions.


Archangel Kaira Came And Delivered God’s Blessings And Grace To The Congregation, Asks Members To Testify And Remain Steadfast


1.    Answers to prayer, prosperity shall become manifest.

2.    As you want blessings, so has God come to bless you.

3.    Blessings upon blessings.


4.    But, you have two debts to pay.

5.    One is to give resounding testimony when your own blessing becomes manifest, give the testimony with joyfulness and gladness of heart, and with gifts and offerings.

6.    Two is obedience by remaining steadfast in this ministry, because other blessings are coming and for you to receive blessings in heaven.

7.    Many of you have been crying, when shall prosperity manifest? How can food be made available from day to day?

8.    Some have been worshipping God in weakness or with doubt. Is that true or false?


9.    Some of you shall be placed in various government positions, in exalted positions.


10.           At the end of the ministration, you have to sing, dance and praise God, because God has answered your prayers.

11.           Jesus is advising you to remain steadfast in this ministry, because He did so by keeping the Sabbath.

12.           God sent Jesus to the world, to show the world that God Almighty can come in the midst of humanity and to show great and wonderful works that only God can do.

13.           By his coming and teachings, Jesus showed the world the way of righteousness and salvation.

14.           Jesus is asking you to remain steadfast, do not have doubts, because this ministry leads you to heaven.

15.           Many saints, people in the past had various temptations in this way. But, they remained steadfast. They overcame, completed their works and returned to heaven with joy.

16.           Let the blessings and grace abide with you. 

17.           Uriel said that he has written your petitions and has presented them to God Almighty.

18.           Kaira says, let the peace and grace abide with you.

19.           Uriel says, let the peace and grace abide with you.

20.           Michael says, let the peace and grace abide with you.

21.           Gabriel said he shall be giving revelations to you, on future events that you do not know, before the events become manifest. The revelations shall come even before the events.

22.           Only one thing that the Saints, Angels and Jesus are asking from you, that you remain steadfast in this ministry.

23.           If you like, you can leave this ministry, and after wandering about, you shall come back. And by that time it shall be too late.

24.           You are in the end of the end time, a short time remains.

25.           To humanity, it seems to be a long time. But, in spirit it is a very short time.

26.           Just a little while more, God will close the gate, many shall cry had I known.


Archangel Raphael Speaks Against Night Life, Night Business And Night Travel

Son of man, draw a circle on the ground, and plant the sword in the middle of it.


Son of man, myself is the heaven’s warrior, Archangel Raphael, the angel that wields (have and use) swords in his two hands.


Son of man, let this message reach the ends of the world.

Let it reach every office.

Let it reach every government.

Let it reach every family.

And let it reach everybody.


So I am setting a seal over this work toady, both in hevaen and here on earth, because it is what God said that shall be done. Man must not do his will, because whoever that does his own will ends up inside the hell fire, for the ways of man mislead him away from God.

Son of man, so I am cancelling it (banning it) in heaven and on earth, that thing called night life, night business and night travel, even so to all the ends of the world (all over the world). Night life is hereby closed down.


Son of man, why did God create the world, and made day and night?

Son of man, God Almighty created the day for man to move about, live his life and do his works.


Son of man, why did God create the night?

For man to rest.

For man to know that he is spirit.

For man to know that he came from heaven to the world.

For man to know that this world is not his permanent residence.

For man to know that his permanent residence is heaven.


Son of man, do you see how they have spread businesses evey where? Yes, Lord.


This work, order, holds true for all those working in the banks.

Once, it is 4:00pm, all ATMs, all over the world, should have been shut down.

It is not when it is 4:00pm they start to shut down the ATMs.

Before 4:00pm, all bank ATMs must have being shut down, until 4:00pm on Saturday.

The same thing applies to all social networks, from Facebook, to Messenger and all their various network types.


Son of man, before 4:00pm, on Friday, all shall be shut down, until 4:00pm on Saturday.

The same law is compulsory for all radio stations and television studios, all over the world, including all government offices and all companies.


Son of man, tell the world, all those who reject this message (those who fail to comply), tell the world to watch and see how such people shall be dying shameful and merciless deaths.

Son of man, tell the world, the Warrior Angels with the merciless swords shall use ghastly accidents to remove the disobedient ones.


In that place where the disobedient ones are doing businesses of man, we shall break out fire from unknown sources, to consume them and their businesses.

So shall it be to all the ends of the world.


It is because humanity fail to rest, they refused to give their souls rest, that is why people do not know the importance of Sabbath.


Tell the world that they have climate change because of one reason only, because humanity have refused to rest.

They are busy generating heat.

And it is this heat that they generate that is collapsing the mountains.

Son of man, have you seen where mountain is flowing like water? Yes, Lord.

Tell the world that it is the heat that they generate that is melting (collapsing) the mountains.


So are Snow Mountains melting.

Son of man, have you seen Snow Mountains melting? Yes, Lord.


It is all the works that people do, day and night, that is generating heat, and the same heat is melting the Snow Mountains.


Tell them, the coming flood is going to wipe out so many people, uncountable people.


Tell those who live by the riversides, to relocate. Let them find money and build houses far away from the riversides, far away from the ocean sides, because flood is coming. It shall wipe out populations. It shall bury many cities.


Tell the world, myself is Archangel Raphael.


This is the sign by which they shall know that this message sis true.

Tell all the people now earth.

They are not the first set of humanity to live here on earth.

Tell them, to check inside the ground. They shall see developed cities buried therein. It is we the Warrior Angels with merciless swords that used sands to cover them up.

Tell the world, to check inside (beneath) the oceans.

They shall see developed cities inside there.

It is we the Warrior Angels with merciless swords that used water to cover them up, because they refused to do what God said.


Son of man, this work, today’s work, holds true to all the ends of the world.


Anything called night life, God Almighty is locking it in the heavens and also locking it here on earth.

Once it is 6:00pm, everyday, every business must have closed down. And then, everybody shall go home and rest.

Go and rest!

Go and rest!

Go and pray.

Pray God to send the Angels to come and take you to heaven, because heaven is your home, and not this world.


Son of man, what of those on travel, who shall be coming back late?

Son of man, tell the world, everybody shall close business at 6:00pm.

As for those returning late, they are given extra time, till 8:00pm.


Tell the world, any vehicle still on the road at 8:00pm, should pack and all the people inside should rest and sleep.

The driver should pack the vehicle before 8:00pm.


Tell the world, if they refuse to obey these directives, let them watch and see how ghastly accidents shall be on the increase all over the world.

For disobedient ones do not live in the kingdom of God.

Tell them, this world is God’s kingdom.


So is night life being closed (banned) today.

So is night travel being closed (banned) today.

So is night business being closed (banned) today.

In the name of the Father, the Son and by the power of the Holy Spirit.


Give me the Ark of the Covenant.

Son of man, so is heaven’s warrior, the war leader, Archangel Michael, spreading Angels all over the world.

Whoever that is not afraid, let him do his own will and face the consequences


Sprays the ark of covenant (covenant salt), saying:

The Lord Almighty is the Battle Axe.

The Lord Almighty is the Battle Axe.

The Lord Almighty is the Battle Axe.

The Lord Almighty is the Battle Axe.

The Lord Almighty is the Battle Axe.

The Lord Almighty is the Battle Axe.

The Lord Almighty is the Battle Axe.


The Lord Almighty is the Battle Axe.


Son of man, myself is the heaven’s warrior, Archangel Raphael.


It is finished.


Live Like A Passer-By

A lady minister was present during midnight prayers. Her name was Chinenye Nduru Ifeacho. Archangel Gabriel brought her out and spoke to others on how live here on earth


This lady minister has no problems.

She has no distress.

If I say that she has no distress, she will be surprised.


“Look at me,” said Gabriel as he took some steps forward, “and see how I move along the road without any problem or trouble, like a free and peaceful person, who goes his own way”.


That is how ministers of God are expected to live, without complaining, without the cares and worries of everyday life disturbing them.

They should live in the world like a passer-by, who moves on to his destination, without allowing any side attractions and distractions to border him.

Each person should develop the calm supremacy of the mind over life’s changing situations.

Each should live without complaining that this person did this or that person did that.

That is how to ensure your steady spiritual wellbeing – peace, serenity, freedom and welfare.


A person who lives as described above, has he any problems? No, Lord.


So many persons keep themselves busy regretting their problems, agonizing their souls with the burdens of worldly life.

All these problems and burdens are not her concerns.

That is the type of life expected from ministers of God.

Many concern themselves with cares and worries of worldly life, often worried and disturbed about their personal problems, to the extent that they fail to do God’s work as and when due.


Archangel Gabriel Speaks To Youths On Future Success And Prosperity

God is set to raise new sets of millionaires and billionaires, who will use their money and wealth to help the poor, to assist the needy and to support God’s work.


Recently, Archangel Gabriel empowered several youths, assuring them of success and prosperity. In his message, Archangel Gabriel said to them:


“You shall be joining others in attending the seven annual festivals of God. Even if the place of your residence means that you have to travel for one week to get to the city of the rising sun, Abagana. You have to attend the feasts, from one feast to another. Every feast.


As you do so, your success and prosperity shall grow from one level of accumulation to a higher level – more and more shall be added unto you.

You have to be coming to worship God, to bow down to Him.


The blessings of today shall surely come to manifestation, come to fulfilment.

Do not think that what we are doing here is an ordinary play.

It shall surely come to fulfilment.


At that time, many of you shall say that no great prayer was said. Not by might nor by power, but by my spirit.


As you put these sands under the altar, the Angels shall take their names, one by one.


The sands for the absent youths of DivineBase Ministry, pour the sands on the ground of the ministry.

As the youths step on the sands, the blessings shall follow them and manifest in their lives.


As the blood of Jesus is poured on you, you have to turn round, so that the blood of the covenant shall be used to seal the answers to your prayers, to seal today’s work.”


Archangel Duma Explains That Daughters Have Rights To Their Own Shares Of Their Father’s Properties

Portions of inheritance should be given to the daughters.

Were they not also created by God?

God created the women the same way He created the men.

The woman is stronger than man.

The Igbo people are ticklish and greedy, that is why they exclude the women from the inheritance.

The Igbos will keeping on dividing things into half, into four parts, and into eight parts, and so on.


Provide Extra Clothe And Sweater For Midnight Prayers

1.    A person should attend prayers and worship with two clothes, so that after deliverance and spiritual works, if he is wet, he can change his dress.

2.    Provide sweater against cold night.

3.    The sweater for worship should be white sweater or thick white singlet, against cold.

4.    In some cases in the past, some parents and guardians have reported of taking their children to hospital, because of cold or pneumonia, which was contacted during midnight prayers.


Archangel Raqwa Speaks About Benefits People Have Here On Earth

You go to your shop and eat bread, and also eat indomie (spaghetti). But, we angels are at the sun, suffering the scorching heat.


You have to provide a Suncoat for me, just like the lab coat used by the medical doctors. It shall have:

1.    Long gown.

2.    Only pure white material.

3.    Belt and belt holder

4.    Side pockets.

5.    Long sleeves.

6.    Pure white leather, just like the one used for making raincoat

7.    Serial buttons throughout or long zip.

8.    Cap, which shall make one piece with the Suncoat, joined as one dress.

9.    The same material for belt.

10.           White buttons.


The Collapse Of World Economy

-         A Revelation By Archangel Michael


We have already pulled down all the rich and wealthy people in the world, from their height of greatness and richness – the Hosts of Angels and Saints of heaven have already destroyed their businesses, organizations and wealth. Therefore, while you endeavour to make money, be steadfast in participating in the work of God.

Many minsters have got money and wealth, various possessions, yet we keep silent unto them, because they turned their back on God.

When they say to themselves, “Let me rejoice because I have accumulated wealth,” that is the time we strike them down.


Reasons why

They have abandoned God and His ways. They refused to keep the Lord’s Sabbath and the original Ten Commandments, as in Exodus 20, and because they do not observe the Seven Annual Festivals of God, as written in Leviticus 23, which festivals Jesus attended.

Any person who has rejected God and His laws should not enjoy the blessings and favours of the God Almighty.



My name is Archangel Michael.


Right Priority By Archangel Gabriel

We came with prosperity.

We came with deliverance from bondage.

We, the hosts of Angels have come, for all that were destroyed to be restored.

We have come in to arrange everything in order, as supposed.

The congregation have to prepare for God’s Feasts of Passover, Unleavened Bread and Wave Sheaf.


We, the Angels of heaven, have come into this ministry to say things and they happen immediately (to match our words with actions, for immediate effects – ana ekwu ekwu, ana eme eme.)


We have come in to expose all hidden things. We have come to arrange the days of God, to arrange them in sequence. As we are preparing to enter the New Moon and New Year, we shall arrange things in sequence, as supposed.


Archangel Uriel Speaks About Wellbeing

People do abandon God’s work and go for their personal needs and problems. They give various types of excuses. Therefore, they abandon God’s work to do each according to his own personal desires. When they come back to the house of God, they say that God is a merciful one. It is the ministers and members that are holding, blocking, their success and prosperity. As a person dances, even so the angels play tunes for him. People who are diligent in the house of God receive many blessings and favours, while the lazy ones encounter lack, hardship and sufferings and they keep on complaining of scarcities or shortages.


Mercy has died. The father is dead. Her mother is also dead. All his brothers and sisters are no longer alive. And all her belongings have all been … lost – the time of mercy has gone.


When a person does what God said, the angels shall open ways for his success and prosperity. But, when people abandon God’s work and directives, the angels block their ways to success and prosperity. People do not know that angels are very wise. The angels have wisdom, and they give wisdom to those who deserve it. When the angels keep silent, people think that they have cheated, outsmarted, the angels.


God’s Warning To The Masters And Lords


The Warning Message

Son of man, send message to all the ends of the earth.

Publish it to all nations and languages.


Son of man, this warning goes to all those who consider themselves to be masters and lords, into whose hands parents entrust children as apprentices, servants and maids.


Son of man, warn those of them, who keep record of offences and write bills against the apprentices, servants and maids. They insist that the child must pay for the generator he damaged, must pay for the television set he burnt and must pay for the vehicle he spoilt. The situation is so bad that, on the day of settlement, the child goes home empty-handed.


Son of man, tell them to tear all those papers. I am giving them a grace period of one month. Otherwise, if they fail to comply with this message and warning, I shall turn their business ventures upside down.



Son of man, give me blood of Jesus.


As I pour this blood of Jesus, from the red vessel into the white vessel, even so I take their businesses away from the masters and lords, and give the businesses over to the apprentices, servants and maids, if the masters and lords refuse to comply.


Causes Of Premature And Untimely Deaths


The Causes

1.    Disobedience to the will of God. Untimely death is today rampant in the humanity society, simply because people refuse to keep the laws of God.

2.    Humanity ignore the end time messages and warnings from God, to their own deceit and detriments. For example, God has repeatedly warned humanity about coming disasters, calamities and strange incidents. So many people felt less concerned, while majority others thought that such things shall not happen. Today, many are suffering from the same ugly developments, which God wanted to prevent, if people had heeded God’s messages and warnings.

3.    Disobedience to the laws of nature, which are God’s will in creation. We live within a network of laws, called theories, natural laws, universal intelligence, principles, rules and regulations. These laws are active, sensitive, responsive, intelligent, perfect, universal and impartial. Sensitive in the sense that once a person commits evil, nature knows. And responsive in the sense that the forces of nature rewards every good conduct and punishes every bad behaviour.

4.    Ignorance is never an excuses. Many people have died from what they do not know about. Numerous people who have died from accidents never knew that the accident would happen to them. Therefore, feeling that it does not matter does not save people.

5.    Karmic debt of murder cases. People who killed in their previous lifetime are eventually killed as well.

6.    Scale balance in life. A person may not have directly killed another. But, his action may have led to the death of another. In that case, the person has indirectly killed.

7.    Failure to observe the rites of holiness. For examples, using demonic materials like weaveons and attachments; eating and drinking anytime, anywhere and anyhow;  eating while digging a grave or when the corpse is present with a compound; siting on the grave or using it as a table or bad; wearing black dresses and black colour designs.

8.    Ancestral deeds and abominations, just as God said in the second commandment, visiting the iniquities if the fathers upon the third and fourth generations of those who hate me – of those who disobey God.

9.    End Time Sweeping Operations.

10.           Idols and charms use innocent and unsuspecting people to recharge itself. Innocent in the sense that the victims are innocent. Unsuspecting people like a woman going on a marriage to her husband, only to be used by the ancestral idols of the husband’s clan,  kindred or family.

11.           Wicked people attack and kill people, secretly.

12.           The forces of darkness, which are the evil spirits, demons, mermaids, ghosts, witches, charms, idols and black energies.

13.           Uncontrolled emulation, copying everything that white people do.

14.           Accident, as a result of carelessness, inadequate preparations, or deadly encounter.

15.           Uncontrolled and senseless eating and drinking, anytime, anywhere and anyhow – everything goes.

16.           Etc.


General Collapse And Failures Of Major Companies


In Spirit And In The Heavens

Recently, in spirit, Jesus Christ ordered the Warrior Angels with merciless swords, who are carrying out End Time Sweeping Operations, to collapse all companies, multinational companies, corporate organizations and world business establishments, which are not keeping the original Ten Commandments, and which are not observing the seven annual festivals of God.


Bible References

Refer to Exodus 20, to read the original Ten Commandments.

Also, read Leviticus 23, to see the seven annual festivals of God, which Jesus attended. Then, you shall understand that most of the churches, ministries and fellowships in the world, are just there deceiving themselves and misleading the ignorant masses into the hell fire. Be warned.


Failures And Disappointments

There shall be world wide business failures, economic downturn, crisis, disorganizations, etc. The same fate shall befall all the agents, marketers, distributors, workers, employers, beneficiaries, clients and customers of such companies and corporate organizations. For example, after America became world superpower, American citizens turned their back on God. As a result, America lost their glory and strength, and sold many of their business establishments to foreigners and foreign companies.


Setting The Seal

When Jesus finished giving the order, He set seal on it, by saying, “I am the Alpha and the Omega; the Beginning and the End; the First, the Only and the Last. I am the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. I am the Lord Almighty. I am the Lord Almighty, who is the Battle Axe!”


Bible Confirmations

Therefore the Lord said:

"Inasmuch as these people draw near with their mouths

And honour Me with their lips,

But have removed their hearts far from Me,

And their fear toward Me is taught by the commandment of men,

Therefore, behold, I will again do a marvellous work

Among this people,

A marvellous work and a wonder;

For the wisdom of their wise men shall perish,

And the understanding of their prudent men shall be hidden."

Isaiah 29:13-14


Therefore evil shall come upon you;

You shall not know from where it arises.

And trouble shall fall upon you;

You will not be able to put it off.

And desolation shall come upon you suddenly,

Which you shall not know.

Isaiah 47:11


Thus said Yahweh the Lord of the Hosts:

"Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom ,

Let not the mighty man glory in his might,

Nor let the rich man glory in his riches;

24 But let him who glories glory in this,

That he understands and knows Me,

That I am the Lord, exercising loving-kindness, judgment, and righteousness in the earth.

For in these I delight," says the Lord.

Jeremiah 9:23-24


Any Solution?

Start keeping the original Ten Commandments, and start observing the seven annual festivals of God.


Empowerment And Encouragement

-         By Holy Joshua De Conqueror


We have removed every obstacle to the ministers of God. We have pulled down the obstacles.


Whoever that believes in today’s spiritual work, God Almighty will give him special Holy Spirit, just as He gave to myself and Holy Caleb. God is giving them victory in all battlefronts.


As myself pulled down the walls of Jericho, all the obstacles preventing the ministers from worshipping God, even so we, the Hosts of Angels and Saints of heaven, have pulled down the walls. Also, there shall be open doors for the congregation - blessings, various favours, success and prosperity. Let them open their hands to receive.


All your burdens, God the Father has removed all. Only let the congregation have faith.


Keys To Favours

Do wear long gowns and long skirts, for the Holy Spirit and the Hosts of Angels and Saints of heaven to come and abide with you. A saint should ensure purity of heart and have joyfulness and gladness of heart, always. These two, purity and joy, draw favours to the saints.


Selfless Services


Archangel Rapa

Archangel Raphe

And Archangel Crusovar


Ensure that you help others, as much as is possible. The more you do so, the more God will be opening ways for you. If stop doing so, you shall know, because you shall start experiencing hardship, sufferings, failures and hindrances. “In serving others is your success and prosperity,” says the Lord.


Help others the way God wants, without public show of what you are doing. Do so without expecting rewards, thanks, praises, force or persuasion.


Very importantly, you have to pray against anything that shall make you turn your back on God, when you become rich and wealthy, whether that thing is money or wealth, father or mother, brother or sister, wife or husband, parents or children, friends or well-wishers, offences or anger, and gossip or otherwise.


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