Vision Is Very Important


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The Holy Spirit Explains What Vision Is And How To Develop The Ability To See Visions
many complain that they are not seeing visions.

That you are not seeing vision.
Many are praying.
But it is not enough.
For you to have visions, you have to observe the rites of holiness of the Holy Spirit, before myself shall come in.
Everybody that I am using to work now, it is not everywhere that you shall go into. It is not everywhere that you shall step into. It is not every word that you shall speak.

Do you listen to me? Yes, Lord.
My children, do you listen to me? Yes, Lord.
So much holiness is required (nso erika).

That prayer has being said is not answer. It is not so.
What have you done for the Holy Spirit?
In what hard way are you following the Holy Spirit?

People keep on calling, “Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit”.
Let me tell you.
It is not everybody calling Holy Spirit that shall see the Holy Spirit.

Those who want to have visions should raise their hands up. My children, you are desirous of blessings, you are desirous of blessings. You are desirous of grace. You desire to partake of my grace.

But, many are saying words that are dirty to the ear. Many are saying words that are disgusting (vulgar). Some do bad things and think that I, the Holy Spirit, do not see them. If human being does not see you, I am present looking at you.

(To get) Holy Spirit, obedience is the first essential. Wisdom is the second.

Some say it is prayer (by prayer).Prayer is food, indeed. But, there are rites of holiness to be observed for the Holy Spirit. My children, listen... You call Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit.
You want to do something bad - you have a spirit in you. They are two spirits. One says, do not do it, do not do that. The spirit is in your heart, speaking to you. This is the first Holy Spirit.

If you do listen, you shall be hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit. You have to first hear the voice of the Holy Spirit, before the Holy Spirit shines (becomes radiant) … They are seeking for the Holy Spirit, complaining that they do not see visions … Do you hear my voice?

You that have come here, shall have blessings.
Blessings shall bath (flood) your body.
Blessings shall fall like rain drops.
My grace shall abound for you.

The work assigned to ministers, are they doing it?

Know you it that whoever that lives in me, I shall live in him.

You are seeking for the Holy Spirit.
You are seeking for the Holy Spirit.
Miracles, miracles, miracles.
You have to open your heart, so that I, the Holy Spirit, will do work.

How The Spirit Of Vision Works



I have discovered that people do not know how the spirit of vision works. Many people, who are washing their faces with the Blood of Jesus, expect to be seeing visions, from time to time, as if they are watching the television. That is not the only way the spirit of vision works.


You should know that the way spirit of vision works for a particular person is not the way it works for another person. The spirit of vision works in the following ways, which are mentioned and explained below.


1.    By Spiritual Vision.

You see things beyond the physical, as if you are watching the television, even so in the broad daylight and at night.


For example, a person entered a gathering. Others see the person only, only the person who has just arrived. But, the visioner sees the person and some other spirits following him about.

As another example, somebody donated money. The congregation saw the donated bundles of money only. But, the visioner saw the bundles of money, and also saw the stains of blood on the bundles, meaning that the money was an ill-gotten by human ritual.


2.    By Signs And Wonders.

A sign tells you that something is about to happen, is happening or has already happened. For example, for some individuals, any time they feel a scratching sensation on their palm, they know that money is coming their way. And soon afterwards, they make or receive money.


3.    By Trance.

Trance is a short sleep-like condition, during which something is spiritually shown to somebody. Trance can happen anywhere and anytime. The sleep disappears immediately the person has received the vision.


4.    By Intuition.

Intuition simply means that a person just knows something without any person telling him or without being taught. The visioner knows by natural understanding.


5.    By Oracle.

By oracle simply means that a person hears what the spirit is saying. The Spirit speaking may be God Almighty, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, angel or saint from heaven.


Some people do complain of hearing sounds, which others do not hear.


6.    By Utterance.

God said to Jeremiah, “I have put my words in your mouth.” Again, God said, “I have made you a prophet to the nations, to pull up, to uproot, and to plant and establish.” That means that God has given Jeremiah power and authority to remove everything evil, to correct and to teach, as well as the power and authority to declare what shall happen.


7.    By Feelings.

This is also called induction. By this method, you do not see anything, but you have the feeling of what is happening to the person in view.


For example, if the person standing before you is having headache, you start having headache. The headache soon disappears, immediately the person leaves.

If the person shall have stroke, you feel goose-pimple (akpata oyi) on and along one side of your body.


If you pass over or beside a charm that is in the ground, you feel a tingling sensation. Another person may feel fire or the sting of scorpion.


8.    By Quiet Time.

When you observe quiet time, your spirit is able to set itself free from the body, and from the cares and worries of everyday life. That is when your spirit starts seeing visions.


9.     By Meditation.

Meditation means that you are alone and quiet, with nothing disturbing or bordering you. You may keep your eyes open or closed, while you continue to think about something or ask questions.


10.                       By Dream.

Your dreams become more frequent and clearer. A person, who used to forget dreams, will start remembering the dream encounters.


11.                       By Inspiration.

You discover that you are getting true ideas or narration, without any person telling you. The inspiration grows day by day, becoming more and more convincing and clear.




1.    While you wash your face with Blood of Jesus, from day to day, you shall grow in any of the above gifts or talents that is yours.

2.    Continue to wash your face with Blood of Jesus.

3.    Also, do observe quiet time and meditation, from day to day.

4.    Above all, do not hurry. Spiritual talents develop gradually, by themselves. There is no competition in destiny, because there is division of labour, and everything has its own works to do. The moment you want to get it in haste, you loose even the one you already have.


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