Quiet Time And Meditation



The Twelve Apostles



Continue Quiet Time And Meditation

Apostle Matthew: What of those who observe quiet time and meditation?

The Head: It is the anointing doves. It was before decided that there should be a meditation group, of prophets and visioners. But many of them are not here now.


Apostle Matthew: Many of them, who are among, are they doing so?

Do they observe quiet time and meditation?

The Head: When it was newly established, the serious ones then are not here. They have to be called out and the meditation group re-established.


Apostle Matthew: Is it not the anointing doves?

The Head: Yes. Before you mentioned the anointing doves, there was a meditation group already in existence. Prophets and visioners were among the meditation group.


Apostle Matthew: Son of man, where are they?

The Head: Many are not here present. Only two persons are available now. Others are at various works.

Apostle Matthew: Where are themselves, the two available ones?

The Head: Ngozi and Nkechi.

Apostle Matthew: Is themselves…?

The Head: They are among the prophets and visioners. The available anointing doves, many of them are at work. The spirits are using four anointing doves to do work now. They cannot be called out now.


Apostle Matthew: Why did themselves stop quiet time and meditation?

The Head: They should not stop. They supposed to continue doing the meditation.


Types And Levels Of Quiet Time And Meditation

Date: 13th May 2022

Event: Sabbath eve prayers and worship


Apostle Matthew: Continue to seek for the truth. Promotion and demotion starts here on earth. A person doing quiet time and meditation is like a person looking for the main road. The person is inside the bush, searching for the main road. He is still searching and searching for the main road.

If the person does not find the main road, will he stop searching and stay inside the bush?

The Head: No. the person will continue searching, until he finds the way.

Apostle Matthew: Even so shall the children of God continue to observe quiet time and meditation, even when they are not receiving answers, revelations or messages. Those who seek for the truth shall continue to seek until they find.


Types Of Quiet Time And Meditation

Apostle Matthew: Number 1, quiet time and meditation are two separate things – quiet time and meditation.

The first one is what?

The Head: The first one supposed to be meditation, and the second one is quiet time. But, some people start with meditation, move to quiet time and come back to meditation. Some others start with quiet time, get into meditation and go back into quiet time.

Apostle Matthew: Son of man, yourself answered very well. But what myself is saying is this. The meditation that people talk about are of different types. Many do not know the meaning of quiet time and meditation. Some people who know the meaning do stay in the flesh. The first is this: people do quiet time and meditation to think about various things that shall be beneficial to them. Thoughts about the world, how things shall go well for them. How they shall make money and how they shall be feeding very well. That is quiet time and meditation number 1. Ourselves, the Hosts of Angels and Saints of heaven, do not count this type as quiet time and meditation.

Quiet time and meditation number 2 are those people who do think about God the Father, who meditate and ask various questions. This set of people are the ones doing the main quiet time and meditation.


Son of man, many of the altar doves and anointing doves are being ranked 7 over 7 (7/7), for doing quiet time and meditation every day of the week. In the sense that they did quiet time and meditation. But tomorrow, myself shall mark, because many do not know how to do quiet time and meditation. They think that it is the quiet time and meditation in which they stay quiet and think about what their teachers have taught them. They think about Mathematics, about English. They think about social studies, and think about the work that they shall do tomorrow. That is not the true quiet time and meditation.


Son of man, this type is earthly quiet time and meditation.

What is it called?

Son of man, this set of people are just the beginners. But those who think about God the Father are the ones that have progressed very far, who have grown in spirit.


Levels Of Quiet Time And Meditation

Apostle Matthew: Son of man, in the school, the ones just coming into the school, what is their class?

The Head: Class 1?

Apostle Matthew:  No. Those people that have come of age, what are they called?

The Head: Is it primary or secondary?

Apostle Matthew: Son of man, let us call those who meditate about this earth or worldly life, as primary level. And the people meditating about God, they are at the secondary level. And those who are competent and experienced at quiet time and meditation, they are at the university level. These grades are for humanity to know how serious quiet time and meditation are.