
And their Relationship

 With The Children




Compiled By
DivineBase Ministry, Abagana


Approved By
The Man Who Saw God Face To Face
Raphael Okechukwu Nweze

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Parents Should Pray For The Spirit Of Being A Good Parent.
Receive the light to become a mother.
Receive the power to become a mother.
Receive the light to become a mother.
Receive the power to become a mother.

Receive the light of the family.
Peace be with you.
Peace be with you.

The Lord Cautions The Parents To Stop Cursing Their Children.
Parents, stop making negative utterances on your children. Stop cursing your children.
I, the Holy Spirit, knows your heart.

You complain that you child has been tied up.
That your child is tied up.
That your child is tied up.
Listen, let me tell you something.
That you child is in bondage (n’eji nwa gi).
That you child is in bondage.
That you child is in bondage.
That you child is in bondage.
That you child is in bondage.

You go to this place.
You go to that place.
You go to this place.
You go to that place.

Ask yourself a question.
What are the bad words you have spoken to your child? (What curses have you uttered on him? The curses affect the children, even when you do not mean it.)
Ask yourself question.
Ask yourself question.
Ask yourself question.
Ask yourself question.

Parents, mind how you speak to your child.

Pray for the spirit of being a good parent.

My children, I want to rebuke you (to warn and correct you).
The mother should know her duties.
The father should know his duties.
The mother should know her duties.
The father should know his duties.

The Holy Spirit Points Out The Bad Conducts Of Mothers In The Churches, Ministries And Fellowship
Mothers, listen…
It is the mothers, but not every one of them.
It is mothers, it is mothers, that are the problem in the ministry.
When efforts are being made to gather people, mothers are busy scattering them (by gossiping, by quarrelling, by unforgiving spirit, by backbiting, by criticising every good work, by condemning the good works of the ministering Angels, etc).

It is the mothers.
It is the mothers.
This one goes along telling stories.
Another goes about telling stories.
Another goes about telling stories.
Another goes about telling stories.
Another goes about telling stories.
Another goes about telling stories.

It is not all of them.
It is not all of them.

You have to humble your heart.
You have to humble your heart.
You have to humble your heart.
You have to humble your heart.

Many are talkative.
Many are talkative.
Blaspheming the Holy Spirit.
Blaspheming the Holy Spirit.

Some of the mothers, I am asking you a question.
Why do you tell lies?
Why do you tell lies?
Why do you tell lies?
Why do you tell lies?
Why do you tell lies?

Someone would ask for excuse, and go her way, for her need.
She would say that she cannot attend.
Many of them that did not come here today, I shall not call names.

Doves of DivineBase, I am asking you is this number present the population of the members? No.
I am asking you is this number present the population of the members? No.

Others would look for a story to tell, and then, go their ways (for their needs).
Others would look for a story to tell, and then, go their ways (for their needs).

Know you it that no one can deceive the Holy Spirit.
I am present, watching them.
I am present, watching them.
I am present, watching them.
I am present, watching them.

I shall not force anyone.
I shall not force anyone.
If you come closer to me, I shall come closer to you.
This is message.
This is message.
This is message.

The Holy Spirit Makes It Clear That Women Have Their Major Roles At Home
Family duties are for mothers to perform.
Family duties are for mothers to perform.
Family duties are for mothers to perform.
Family duties are for mothers to perform.

Pray to the Holy Spirit to talk full possession of you, so that you shall able to fight the battle in the house.

Do not think that your prayer is taking a long time.
Do not say so.
Do not be in distress, eager to go home, because of time.
I am teaching you so many things.

The Holy Spirit Is The Helper And Comforter Of The Helpless Mothers
is your need,
I shall be with you.
Those who are being despoiled of the property, those whose lands are being taken away from them, those whose lands are being taken away from them, those who are being tossed about, whatever they invoke, whatever charm buried against you, the ones that are being sent (projected in) to you, I, the Holy Spirit, am destroying them. I, the Holy Spirit, am destroying them.
Victory shall be yours.
Victory shall be yours.
Victory shall be yours.
Victory shall be yours.
Victory shall be yours.

I soro m n’eto Jesus
I g’ahu na o di mma

The Holy Spirit Fights For His Children
I am promising you today, that every hand holding you (rising against you) every hand battling against you, against you Doves of DivineBase, if you believe truly, if you believe truly, I shall fight the battle for you.
I shall fight the battle for you.
I shall fight the battle for you.
I shall fight the battle for you.
I shall fight the battle for you.

The Holy Spirit Defends The Helpless Mothers
mothers here, are being persecuted, their rights (possessions) are being taken away from them.
They are being persecuted and I have come to speak for them.
And I have come to speak for them.
And I have come to speak for them.

I, the Holy Spirit, shall speak for them.
I, the Holy Spirit, shall speak for them.
I, the Holy Spirit, shall speak for them.
I, the Holy Spirit, shall speak for them.
I, the Holy Spirit, shall speak for them.

Listen to me.
You have to be in prayer.
You have to be prepared.
You have to be in prayers.

The Holy Spirit Cautions Women Against Unnecessary Complains
, Mothers, Mothers, there is work for you.
There is work for you.
Many of the mothers, whenever there is work for them to do, they utter bad comments (bad words).
(Discomfort and unhappiness, cursing and criticizing, and nagging and murmuring.)

God’s work is for me and you to do.
God’s work is for me and you to do.
Sing the song for me.

Olu Chukwu diri mu na gi.
Olu, olu, diri mu na gi. Olu.
Ihe sie ike,
        were obi gi nye Chukwu, olu

Again, The Holy Spirit Teaches That Mothers Should Take Care Of The Family
, mothers, mothers.
You should know how to correct, how to do well.
It is the mother that takes good care of the family (ndi nne n’edoze ezi n’ulo).
It is the mothers.
It is the mothers.
It is the mothers.
It is work of the mothers.

According To The Holy Spirit, The Mothers Are Very Important To God
Mothers, mothers, mothers, you are very important to the Holy Spirit. You are very important to the Holy Spirit, because of the children I gave into your hands, because of the children I gave into your hands, because of the children I gave into your hands.
I shall give you …life.
I shall give you…strength.
I shall give you…strength.
I shall give you…strength.

Know you it that the way you train the children, the way you behave, the way you behave, you shall give account of it to the Holy Spirit.
You shall give account of it to the Holy Spirit.

It is because of child, child, child (constant desire and clamour for children).

Listen… There is no child in heaven.
Tell me one person who died and was buried with his children.
It is true that a child is important.
It is true that a child is important.
It is true that a child is important.
It is true that a child is important.
But, many are committing evil because of child.
They go to places that they should not go to (where Angels loathe to step into, idols, shrines, rivers, cultic altars, marine priests, etc; drink concoctions, etc).

The Holy Spirit Says The Fathers (Men) Are Backsliding
Many fathers are backsliding in prayer.
They are backsliding.
They are backsliding.
They are backsliding.
Anywhere prayer is called for, whether at the church, or in the ministry, women do take the positions there.
It is the women.
It is the women.
It is the women.
The women normally cover the town.
The women normally cover the town (come in great numbers) … they occupy the house.

Fathers, fathers, fathers, fathers, you are backsliding.
The few that are present I say that peace shall abide with you.
You that remember, that you should come, peace shall reign in your life, in you family, in you place of work, in your shop.

Ebenebe n’egwu mgbe anyi kporo Jesus.
Mkpa mkpa n’akpa mgbe anyi kporo Jesus.
Kpoba ya.. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.

I know of your needs.
I know your thoughts.
I know of your needs.
I know your thoughts.
You are the pillars of the family.
You are the pillars of the family.

Pray to the Holy Spirit.
Pray to the Holy Spirit.
I am with you.
I am with you.
I am with you.
I am with you.
Tell me you problem.
Your families are not in peace.
Your families are not in peace.
Is there crisis in your family?
In your shop?
In your work place?
In your family?
I, the Holy Spirit, shall come in and stay with you.
I, the Holy Spirit, shall come in and stay with you.
I, the Holy Spirit, shall come in and stay with you.

Judgment is proceeding.
Judgment is proceeding.
Open your mouth and pray to the Holy Spirit.
I shall carry your burden and go to heaven.
It is not the fathers alone.
The mothers have to support the fathers with prayers.

Father are running away from the Holy Spirit.
Father are running away from the Holy Spirit. (Fathers are running away from prayers and worship.)
To worship God is not easy.
It is not easy.

We are one.
There is no discrimination in heaven.
There is no discrimination in heaven.
We are one.
Heaven is not two.

I bless you.
I bless you.
I bless you.
I bless you.
I bless you.


Fathers And Mothers Have Work To Do

Mothers and fathers, know you that there is work for you to do, know you that there is work for you to do.


When problems abound, call upon me and I shall answer your prayer.

I shall relief you of your burden.

I shall make what is hard to become easy.

That is what I, the Holy Spirit, is doing.

That is what I, the Holy Spirit, is doing.

That is what I, the Holy Spirit, is doing.


The Holy Spirit Says It Is The Duty Of Parents To Caution And Question Their Children

So many parents do not know (what their sons and daughters, boys and girls, are committing)...


Know it that every revelation by the Holy Spirit is true.

Know it that if you believe in the Holy Spirit, I shall not allow you to fall down (fall into temptation).



Concerning parents – mothers and fathers.

Concerning parents – mothers and fathers.

Many are not asking their children questions

(Who is giving your child all the money she brings home?

How does she get the costly materials she is using?

What and what did she do at the places she went to?

Why is she so fat or so lean?

Why is she always answering phone calls?

Why does she come home late or after so many days?

Why is she missing prayers and worship?



If your child goes on the evil way, commits an abomination like abortion, murder or sexual immorality, and puts her hands inside the food or pot,

 the food is polluted. 

If your child goes on the evil way, commits abomination like abortion, murder or sexual immorality, and puts her hands inside the water, the water is polluted. 

Likewise, everything she touches.


So many girls have killed their parents, even without knowing it.

She committed abortion, came home, cooked food, and the father ate the food and died.

By so doing, by cooking food, the girl puts the whole family in bondage, hinders wellbeing, and destroys the destinies of the family members.

The same thing is obtainable from the youths who go to idols, shrines or use charms.


Praying is not enough. (It is true that you are praying).  Indeed, it is the Holy Spirit that trains a child, but you have to play your role as a human being, and the Holy Spirit shall help you. You have to call your children together, from time to time, and speak to them.

Allow one person and the other to talk, so that you know the words of their mouths, know their intentions and know what is happening in their lives.


Mothers listen.

It is your duty to train your children.

Tell them those things that are abomination.

Tell them what the Holy Spirit does not want.

The problem is that people wait until youths commit abomination, before people start to explain.

Explain abominations to them, before they commit such, so that they can avoid the abominations.



I, the Holy Spirit, abhor (does not want) dirty behaviour.

You are busy praying, what about your children?

It is your duty to keep watch, to keep them close to yourself.

At times, call them together, tell them what God said.

Tell them what are the abominations in the land.

Do not wait until abomination is committed, before you start speaking against it.


Listen, my children…

There is something you do not know.

There is something you do not know.

The family is something made holy.

It is holy.

It is a holy family.

For those who believe in me.


Some are being tempted in various ways, and they keep on asking Holy Spirit, do you still exist? (Are you still present?).

The temptations come from here and there.

The temptations come from here and there.

The temptations come from here and there (in various forms).

They are asking the Holy Spirit.


It is true.

I, the Holy Spirit, am present.

You yourself, what have you done?

What efforts did you make?


Many parents are being tempted. If your enemies cannot get you, they go for your children, by sending different types of attacks. So that they can get the mother or father. But, prayer is your charm (power); by prayer, you shall defeat all these temptations and attacks. Prayer (is the master key).


God Calls On The Mothers To Perform Their Duties

Tell the mothers, tell the mothers, (those present and those absent), who bring children to this ministry.

Tell them, let everyone know her duty.


(The mothers should train the children very well by:

Teaching them how to stay in the house of God.

Teaching them how to stay quiet.

Teaching them how to pray.

Teaching them how to sing and clap.

Teaching them how to sit down very well.

Teaching them how to dance very well.

Discourage bad dance styles.)


God Explains The Cause Of Abominations In The World

What is the cause of all the abominations in the world? What is the cause?


Let the congregation not answer me.

I shall answer myself. It is because humanity allow abominations to thrive. And abominations bear children (multiply).


It is because when people see the Truth, the elderly ones keep silent. Abominations upon abominations (therefore abominations abound everywhere and multiply).


Where a mother sees a child doing something bad, she will not start on time to flog the child. She says it does not mater. Then, tomorrow, she says the child defies her. (After the child has become mature in doing evil, and seasoned with it, bent evil character).


Let me tell you one thing. What you supposed to teach a child, when you did not teach it, the guilt is upon you.


But, if you people are going to assign duties again, let every thing be ordered in sequence in this ministry. (It is not any day a person likes, he comes. And any day he does not like, he does not come. Ministers should be committed to their duties.)


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