Ministers Of God



Part 1


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Ministers Of God Should Be Awake And Active
Ministers, Ministers, Ministers, you have to keep awake like the dove.
The name dove given to you, make it manifest.
The number of work to be done is uncountable.
It is hard.
He who has an ear, let him hear.
He who does not have ear, let him not hear.

My master said I should tell you to strive hard.
My master said I should tell you to strive hard.
My master said I should tell you to strive hard.
My master said I should tell you to strive hard.
To work (to achieve).
To work (to achieve).
To work (to achieve).
To work (to achieve).

Encouragement To Work Hard
is still coming, this message is for you.
My ministers should listen.
All ministers, I am speaking to you.
Listen attentively.
Listen attentively.
Listen attentively.
The work in the ministry is not for the members, not for members.
It is for my Father.
You may be told to do something.
You may delay looking at others.
Know you that the work is for ministers.

On the last day, on the Day of Judgment, I will ask you, how many souls did you save?
This is where to start. It is not coming for prayers and going home. What I am saying is that you should convert souls. How may souls have you converted? Do you hear my voice?

You people are here rejoicing; there is no sorrow. But, many are crying, who are less privileged. Some have their bodies turned upside down. And some have the legs hanging up. Is it true or false? It is true.

What shall be done to save them?
Only prayer.
Only prayer.
Only prayer.

This is your work.
This is your work.
This is your work.
This is your work.
This is your work.
This is your work.
This is your work.

Leave money.
Leave money.
Leave money.

There is money (money is not the primary thing).

Warning Against Misleading The People Away From God
And the word of the Lord came to me, saying, 2 "Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel, prophesy and say to them,
Thus said Yahweh the Lord of the Hosts, to the shepherds: "Woe to the shepherds of Israel who feed themselves! Should not the shepherds feed the flocks? 3 You eat the fat and clothe yourselves with the wool; you slaughter the fatlings, but you do not feed the flock. 4 The weak you have not strengthened, nor have you healed those who were sick, nor bound up the broken, nor brought back what was driven away, nor sought what was lost; but with force and cruelty you have ruled them. 5 So they were scattered because there was no shepherd; and they became food for all the beasts of the field when they were scattered. 6 My sheep wandered through all the mountains, and on every high hill; yes, My flock was scattered over the whole face of the earth, and no one was seeking or searching for them." Ezekiel 34:1-6

Why God Is Against The Shepherds
'Therefore, you shepherds, hear the word of the Lord: 8 "As I live," says the Lord God, "surely because My flock became a prey, and My flock became food for every beast of the field, because there was no shepherd, nor did My shepherds search for My flock, but the shepherds fed themselves and did not feed My flock" — 9 therefore, O shepherds, hear the word of the Lord! 10
Thus said Yahweh the Lord of the Hosts:

 "Behold, I am against the shepherds, and I will require My flock at their hand; I will cause them to cease feeding the sheep, and the shepherds shall feed themselves no more; for I will deliver My flock from their mouths, that they may no longer be food for them." Ezekiel 34:7-10

Against So Many Ministers Who Are Not Performing
I am the Archangel Uriel. I want to give you a revelation. There is work everywhere (so many duties are waiting to be done). Know you it that you are not working.

Your record is been kept in heaven. Your achievements shall be recorded for you. Payment of reward shall start here on earth.

So many souls needed to be saved, but nothing was done.

I want to tell you from now, today, we are to calculate how many souls that you have saved. I want you to be zealous about God’s work.

It is I, Archangel Uriel, speaking.

Know you it that attendance to prayer and worship is not work. You are praying for your petitions. Yourself, how many assignments have you performed?

Before my master will answer your prayer, you have to afflict your flesh.

Work abounds.
Work abounds.
Work abounds.
Numerous souls are going astray.

The head has done his own.
What of your duties as the flock?
I want to warn (rebuke) you.

As it is done on earth, so it is done in heaven.

How many are praying for others?
Each person wants to be prayed for.

I warn you, it is not those calling my Father, my Father, my Father, that shall enter heaven.

My master is Jesus.
My master is the Holy Spirit.

You shall start here on earth to judge yourself.
Check how many good works you have done.

Some believe when they die.

I want to give you a revelation.
I want to give you a revelation.
Most of the dead souls, where are they?
They are inside the hell fire, disgusting to look at.
They are inside the hell fire, disgusting to look at.

Many say that heaven shall pay reward.
Where will heaven pay you?
It shall start on earth to pay you for your good works.

This message is from heaven. From my master… For you to know where you stand (whether you are doing very well or not). For you to know how you are performing.

There is still much to be done.
There is still much to be done.
How many souls have you delivered?
How many people have you saved?
How many people have you converted?
But, you have not saved any soul.
My master says much remains; work has not even started.

It is I, Archangel Uriel, speaking.

We come for prayer and worship, and we go home. What of many people in bondage? In sickness? Some are in the hospital suffering. Some have their legs hanging up. Others have their heads downward. Some have their hands hanging up, others are hanging. Many poisons are used to kill so many people, to kill so many children of people.

(The angel receives messages from heaven.)
My master speak, I am hearing.
I am hearing your voice.
I am listening to you.

Another revelation, I want to give you, where you are not doing well, for you do not know.
So many of the words said here, some are done, others are not done.

Forgiving you is not enough.
The point is doing what I said.
Shall it be done?
Shall it be done?
Shall it be done?
Shall it be done?

Why Are Ministers So Much After Money?
The Lord Cautions His Ministers Against Being Motivated By Monetary Gains

My message is for the head, pastors and reverend fathers.
Are there pastors here? Yes.
Let me give them a revelation that they do not know.
There are many things you do not know.

Why are you always interested in money? Whereas God sent you to win souls for him? There are many pastors that always demand thousands from people. Pastors and reverend fathers, choose whom to serve? God or money?  You shall give account of how you worked for God.

Some have their interest in money.
Bring this money, bring that money.

On the day I created you, how much did you pay me?
The children I gave you, how much did you pay me for them?

My children, why is your mind set after money? (kedu ihe uche unu ji di n’ego?)
Ask you self a question.
Ask you self a question.
Ask you self a question.
Ask you self a question.
Ask you self a question.

You are not interested in saving so many souls. It is money (you are interested in money)? I, the Holy Spirit, is asking you this question. Answer me.

Bring this money, bring that money.
Bring this money, bring that money.

My children, I am asking you this question.
Answer me the question.
Answer me the question.

Let me tell you what you know and what you do not know. What of those to be saved?  Those tied up? Those to be set free from bondage? I, the Holy Spirit, is speaking.

Bring 1000 naira! 3000 naira! 5000 naira!
What do you do with the money?
That money is a defiled (an ill-gotten) money.

Decide for yourself today whom to worship?
I, the Holy Spirit, am saying this to you.
I, the Holy Spirit, am saying this to you.
I, the Holy Spirit, am saying this to you.
I, the Holy Spirit, am saying this to you.

Remember that you shall render account of how you did the work I sent you to do.
You shall give account!
You shall give account!
You shall give account!

A Call On Ministers To Work Hard
My master said you should work very hard.
If all the ministers here were to be divided into three equal groups, only one set is working, only one set is working.

For He is a merciful God.
He said I should tell you that His will is not man’s will.
He said I should tell you to work very hard.
He said I should tell you to work very hard.
He said I should tell you to work very hard.
So that, last year shall not enter into this new year (this year should not be like last year, past idleness, errors and mistakes have to discontinue),  so that you should not repeat what you did in 2016 in the new year, 2017.

All the old things, He has washed them out. He said that He has washed you clean…  He has used the blood of the lamb, which was shed on the cross, to wash you and wash your hearts.

He said I should tell you that blessing shall be yours.
He said I should tell you that blessing shall be yours.
He said I should tell you that blessing shall be yours.
He said I should tell you that blessing shall be yours.
He said I should tell you that blessing shall be yours.

God Speaks Against A Lazy Minister

I have a question for you.
My child,
My child,
My child, you are trying.

Myself will ask you a question.
How many times have you visited the hospitals?
How many times have you visited the hospitals?
To visit the sick ones, to pray for them, or to console them? None.

My child, do you know why I called you out?
It is not only you that is a minister.
It is not only you that I sent on this work – hospital visit.
I called you out because of the answers to your prayers.
On many occasions, you people want me to bless you, to answer your prayers.

Do you know that a minster is different from the other members?
Do you have the idea (the understanding), my child? Yes.
For everybody I sent to work, myself do not accept excuse.
For I know everything. I know you and I know all the excuses you are giving. Many times, I prick you with needle (…) concerning the work I assigned to you, which work you are not doing. It is not that I shall not answer your prayer. I want you to know that this is the angle in which you are failing in your duty.

Do you hear my voice, my child?
Peace be with you.
Do not allow me to remind you of this message again.
Peace be with you.

Those of you, who are doing the work I assigned to them, strive very hard.
Myself do see you.
Myself do see you.
I shall unfailingly pay my worker. When I start paying, many of you should not murmur, for I shall start in this world to pay, and even so in heaven.

God Encourages Those Doing Very Well,
And Admonishes Those Not Living Up To Expectation

Only the Altar Doves are doing their work very well.
What of the ministers, who are the soldiers of heaven?
Who are the soldiers of heaven?

They are scattering themselves.
They are scattering themselves.
Following each other with bad sense (treating each other with wicked heart).
Fill their hearts with evil intentions.
And think that I, the Holy Spirit, do not know.

Ministers Have Their Respective Works To Do
However,  why I send the Angels is for you to know that things are happening. It is not that I cannot do the work.

Likewise, I have said it several times that ministers have their own works to do.
You have your own work to do.
Angels have their own to do.
Let them know that there is work to be done.
There is work.
That is why I send out the Angels.

For you ministers, there is work for you to do.
Many do not want to know.
Many do not want to know.

Excuses Are Not Accepted By Heaven
Why do you deceive yourselves?
Why do you deceive yourselves?
And think you are deceiving the Holy Spirit?
But, it is yourselves that you are deceiving.

Each person is quick to give one excuse or another.
Excuse, excuse, excuse.
I am coming, I am coming, I am coming.
I shall not be present, I shall not be present, I shall not be present.
When shall all these reasons and excuses stop?

Jesus Advises Ministers To Mind How They Do God’s Work
In heaven and on earth, your reward shall be according to your achievements.
Distress is not in it.
Distress is not in it.
Desiring the things of the world is not in it.
All you have to do for me is believe in me.
Remain steadfast in me.
Do you work very well.
Do you work very well.
Do you work very well.

Do you hear my voice? Yes.
Do you hear my voice? Yes.
Do you hear my voice? Yes.
Do you hear my voice? Yes.
This is the message concerning you.

The Holy Spirit Cautions Ministers Against Giving Excuses
Excuse, Excuse, Excuse.
Some of the ministers go for their own needs.
Some of the ministers go for their own needs.

They find one reason to give.
They find one reason to give.
They find one reason to give.

The cup you use to measure shall be used to measure for you.

The Holy Spirit Teaches The Ministers How To Be Alert
I shall call you my ministers.
I shall call you my ministers.
I shall call you my ministers.

Ministers, you are breaking the law of the Holy Spirit.

When the Holy Spirit was coming out, you supposed to stand up for the Holy Spirit. You supposed to stand up for the Holy Spirit. (When a president is coming out, he receives salutations.)

A child is trained before he knows (what to do).
The training is not done in haste.
You are my children.
You are my children.
You are my children.
You are my children.
You are my children.

But each time the Holy Spirit is coming out to work, you supposed to be at alert (be ready and agile), because you minsters must pray, because you minsters must pray. You must do work.

Always Do Your Work Very Well
The only thing you have to do for me,
The only thing you have to do for me,
You have to do your work very well.
You have to do your work very well.
You have to do your work very well.
Even so I shall abide with you.

Do not be discouraged.
Do not be discouraged.

But many do not know what is being done here.
Many ministers only come for prayers and then go home.
Know you it that you have to suffer (work hard), before you can get the Holy Spirit.
You have to suffer.
You have to suffer.
You have to suffer.
You have to suffer, before you can get the Holy Spirit.

My Father is not easy to get.

There Is Teamwork In Heaven
I, Michael, make revelation.
That is my work, to reveal hidden things.
If you like you do so (comply).
If do not like, do not do so.
I am saying it again, me and my master and all the workers (Angels and Saints) have held a meeting in heaven.
There is a good thing that shall be done for you.
When my master comes to round off, He will say it.
You should know that this place is no longer fit for you.
It no longer fits you people.

There Is Division Of Labour, And God Has Given Different Talents To Different People. All That Is Necessary Is Teamwork, Not Discrimination, Jealousy Or Envy
me tell you.
Truly, truly, my gifts are diverse.
My talents are of different types.
My talents are of different types.
My talents are of different types.
There is division of labour (ekere olu eke).
There is division of labour.
There is division of labour.
There is division of labour.
Everyone has his own duties to perform.
Everyone has his own duties to perform.
Everyone has his own duties to perform.
None should envy another.
None should envy another.
None should envy another, so that my peace shall abide in your midst.
So that you abide in my blessings.
So that my blessings shall shower upon you.
So that I shall be able to come and stay with you.
I do not stay where there is discrimination, envy, hard-heartedness, or where there is bitterness of heart.
Be warned.
Be warned.
If you continue to behave like this, how can you be a light to others in the world?
I am asking you.
I am asking you.
How can you be a light to the nations in which you are?

Ministers Depend On The Power Of The Holy Spirit
The …minister I use, if you were to enter inside her, you would observe that mercy should be had on her.
(She is being over stressed with calls from people who are in need of prayers and divine intervention, especially women in child delivery labour.)
It is by the power of the Holy Spirit, It is by the power of the Holy Spirit, by the power of the Holy Spirit that she is moving on (n’awa). Without God she cannot do it. Without God she cannot do it.

Michael Admonishes Lazy Ministers
Every time, you are behaving in a tired form.
Tired, tired, tired.
Tired, tired, tired.
If you were … an active that is always moving and frequently being used by spiritual possession, what shall you do?
If the Holy Spirit is not with her, she cannot perform.

Ministers, listen…
Do you hear my voice?

I shall have mercy on you.
My messages are coming to an end.

The Holy Spirit Directs Ministers Of God To Pray For The Spirit Of Vision
is coming.
Do not be in haste today.
Ministers, this is a question I am asking you. I the Holy Spirit is asking you.

Do you know what happened?
When you were singing, before lecture?
If you know, say it.
You called yourselves my ministers.
Response 1: A kind of weakness, different actions, not doing things with one spirit.
Not this.

Response 2: I was called and told that all songs were well sang. I asked who is speaking? The spirit said he is Archangel Gabriel.
Response 3: Songs were not well organized.
Response 4: Few people present, but loud singing.

Do you not know that I sent down Archangel Michael?
I sent Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Uriel.
You call yourselves ministers?
You call yourselves ministers?
None saw this.
What you answered were true, but I have given you the answer.
I the Holy Spirit sent them, to come and stay with you, to come and stay with you, to come and stay with you.

You have to ask for the spirit of vision, since you people did not know that I sent Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Uriel, to come and stay with you.

Ministers, you have to listen.
Since you did not know that Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Uriel came and stayed with you. I the Holy Spirit sent them, you have to pray.
Ask the Holy Spirit for the spirit of vision.
Ask the Holy Spirit for the spirit of vision.
After the prayer, the blood of Jesus shall be used to wash your faces.

Your prayer point shall be the spirit of vision.
Your prayer point shall be the spirit of vision.
Your prayer point shall be the spirit of vision.
Your prayer point shall be the spirit of vision.
Your prayer point shall be the spirit of vision.
Your prayer point shall be the spirit of vision.
That is your prayer point.
That is your prayer point.
That is your prayer point.
That is your prayer point.

Keep yourself holy.
Keep yourself holy.
Keep yourself holy.
Keep yourself holy.

Do not wait to be told what you are.

Some make promise and go away (fail to perform their duties as ministers of God).
They do not know that it is a curse unto themselves.
They do not know that it is a curse unto themselves.
They do not know.
They do not know.
They do not know.
They do not know.
They do not know.

You shall continue to shine.
Fear not.
I am present.
I, the Holy Spirit, am present.
Whoever that believes in me is never afraid.
Whoever that believes in me is never afraid.
Whoever that believes in me is never afraid.
Whoever that believes in me is never afraid.

Archangel Gabriel Cautions An Absent Mother, Who Is A Minister Of God, But Is Not Performing Her Duties. He Spoke To The Son, Who Was Present During Worship.
A non-performing minister makes promise to work for God, before the entire congregation.
But, He turns around to forget the Holy Spirit, to forget God Almighty, to forget the kingdom of heaven.
Then, he carries earthly wealth to move to about.
He enters vehicles, running about.
If he dies, where shall she go to?
This is a question she has to ask himself.
This is a question she has to ask himself.
It is my Father that established her.
She forgets the Holy Spirit, while pursing worldly riches  and chasing earthly money.
She is pursing money and wealth.
She is pursing money and wealth.
She is pursing money and wealth.
She is pursing money and wealth.
Gidigidigidi (in haste, hustling).
Her fellow traders are planning evil at her place of trade.
She does not know this and is busy chasing money.
God said that He will keep silent (allow the evil), so that she will come back (to God and His work).
God will suffer her, if she refuses to repent.

There is something I want to tell you.
There is something I want to tell you.
Know you it that the cup a person uses to measure shall be used to measure for him.
Know you it that the cup a person uses to measure shall be used to measure for him.

There is no waiting for another (chere m adigh ya) in my Father’s house.
There is no such thing.

We, the ministering Angels, are always at alert.
Once the Holy Spirit sends us, we are already on the way to the destination.
We do not refuse the Holy Spirit.
It is His messages (errand) that we attend to.
The way He said it (is the way we do it).
Do you hear my voice?

Do you hear my voice?

Do you hear my voice?

This is the message you have to deliver to her, and to others who are not performing.
This is the message you have to deliver to her, and to others who are not performing…
(They have to be serious in doing God’s work.)
The evil plans being made against her, does she know it?
The evil plans, she does not know.

Let me tell you.
If it were not because of you (a minister), if it were not because of you,
it is you that is the pillar of your family.
You are the star in the family.
It is your star that is shining (n’awa).
It is your star that is shining (n’awa).
It is your star that is shining (n’awa).
It is your star that is shining (n’awa).
It is because of you.

How can a person come and make promise, and then turn and go her way?
She promised to work for God.
She promised to work for God, but she leaves God’s work to attend to her needs.
I don’t know if she even says her prayers.
I don’t know.
I don’t know.
She is running about, she is running about, she is running about, pursuing the riches of the world.
Pursuing the riches of the world, which are transient.
If we the Angels are disobedient to our master, He would not be sending us out.

We are always at alert.
What He says is what we do.
Quick, quick, we go and come back.
As it is on earth, so it is in heaven.
Tell her to start rounding off (whatever she is doing, to face God’s work).


God Is Gathering His Ministers

So many people with powerful spiritual gifts are coming.

Spray Blood on this body.


Immediate Response

The Holy Spirit called Archangel Uriel, and the archangel answered immediately, despite the immense distance between heaven and earth.

He is in your midst.

He is in your midst.

He is in your midst.

He is in your midst.

He is in your midst.


Archangel Uriel is on the stage.

If you have spiritual eyes, you will know Archangel Uriel is on the stage.

He is the rod of the Holy Spirit.

He is the rod of my hand.

He is my minister.


Archangel Uriel, my children are saying “Welcome,” to you.

Archangel Uriel, my children are saying “Welcome,” to you.

Archangel Uriel, my children are saying “Welcome,” to you.

Archangel Uriel, my children are saying “Welcome,” to you.

Archangel Uriel, my children are saying “Welcome,” to you.

Archangel Uriel, my children are saying “Welcome,” to you.



I will tell you what Archangel Uriel said to you.


Once, I call him, he answers immediately.

In the same way, you ministers should answer the head of this ministry whenever he calls you.

When he calls you, you should answer him.

You should answer him.


Usually, when he calls you, excuses are so many (ministers are giving reasons for not responding). Do you see how far heaven is from the earth? Yet, I called Archangel Uriel and he came immediately to answer me. He is on high (from a very far place). He is on high. He is on high.


Do you know when I called him?

Do you know?

Do you know?


Myself, by prayer, by prayer, said to him, “My minister, come down.”


No excuse.

No excuse in it.

No excuse in it.

No excuse in it.

Himself came.

As he was coming, I lifted up my hand.


While they pray, I want you to spray blood of Jesus on them.

For them to have life.

For them to have victory.

We are in a victorious war.

We are in a victorious war.


I, myself the Holy Spirit, am in your midst.

I, myself the Holy Spirit, am in your midst.

Even so I shall carry your burden.

Myself shall carry the burden.

Myself shall carry the burden.


I am hearing your prayers.

I am hearing your prayers.

I am hearing your prayers.

I am hearing your prayers.

I am hearing your prayers.


I the Holy Spirit shall send him.

That is how I want you to behave.

When the head calls you, you come and answer.

Leave what you are doing to come and answer him.


Everybody has a work he is doing.

Archangel Uriel, my son, has a work he is doing.

My minister, has a work he is doing.

Leave it and come.



When you have learnt to answer call quick, quick, quick…

A very big good mark shall be marked for you.

Leave whatever you are doing,

 even if a message was sent to call you, even if you were called on the phone.

Leave what you are doing.

That is how ministers behave (perform).

That is how ministers behave (perform).

That is how ministers behave (perform).


You are called ministers, ministers, ministers.

Some use it for stylish lifestyle only.

Some use it for pride.


Listen, you do not know where you are going to.

You do not know where you are going to.

You do not know.

If you know where you are going to, you should know that there is no pride in it.

Know you it that what you shall do for the Holy Spirit

 is to save the souls I want you to save.

Rescue the soul.

Rescue the soul.

Rescue the soul.

That is the only one thing I want from you.

Pride is not in it.

Pomposity is not in in it.

Greed is not in it.


Know that there is something the ministers would do and the Holy Spirit will refuse it (say no).

My child, this thing you are doing is not proper.

That is correction that the Holy Spirit has given you.

That is correction that the Holy Spirit has given you.

That is correction that the Holy Spirit has given you.

We do not want disgrace (mmebo).

We do not want disgrace (mmebo).

This is the message I have concerning you.

This is the message I have concerning you.


Say prayers at the four corners, against the causes of your sickness.

Start from the west direction.

 (Prayer + shout of Yahweh Nke Usu Nile Nke Igwe Ndi Agha).


Enough is enough.

Enough is enough.

Enough is enough.

Enough is enough.

Myself says it is enough!

It is enough, for the tempest to be still…

Archangel Uriel is using his wings to destroy (piakasia) your illness…

He is binding them.



I shall make declaration on you… on those present and on those absent… on those at various places, who believe in the Holy Spirit, who do what I want. I am making declarations on them. The sickness shall not have any effect any more. The sickness shall not have any effect any more.


Archangel Uriel takes over from the Holy Spirit


The Holy Spirit Speaks On Immediate Response By Ministers

Archangel Uriel called me “God my Father,” and I answered him.

Archangel Uriel called me “God my Father,” and I answered him.

He said, “Let me help you do this work.”

He said this is his own work.

He said this is his own work.


My children, listen…

When shall your head be doing work and you ask to help him?


Many do not put their mind in it (not interested)…

That is what is affecting you people.

That is what is affecting you people.

That is what is affecting you people.


My children, let me tell you.

It is Archangel Uriel that will complete the work.

I the Holy Spirit shall stand by.

I am standing by his side.

I am standing by his side.

I am standing by his side.

I am standing by his side.


(Hands over to Uriel.)

My child, my child, Archangel Uriel.


Jesus Counsels Those Moved By Anointing Of The Holy Spirit


All those moved or used by anointing should come out.


Are they standing out? Yes.

Are they standing out? Yes.

Are they standing out? Yes.


My children, listen…

It is Emmanuel that is speaking.

It is Emmanuel that is speaking.



Concerning spiritual work.

Concerning spiritual work.

You did very well.

You did very well.

The work you did today is special, peculiar.

I sent out many soldiers – Archangels Michael, Gabriel, … Uriel.

They were (came) in perfection.

They were (came) in perfection.



If you ask somebody to come out, and he refuses, do not force the person.

Do you hear my voice?

Whoever that believes in me shall receive blessing.

The Holy Spirit does not force people.

The Holy Spirit does not force people.

The Holy Spirit does not force people.

Whoever that believes in me shall receive blessing.

The person who does not want shall leave it (not receive blessing).

The gift of the Holy Spirit is not forced on people.

It is if you believe.

It is if you believe.

If you believe with your heart.

If you believe with your heart.

You shall get blessing,

You shall get freedom.


Know it that my blood is an ocean.

Know it that my blood is an ocean.

If a person dives into it, he gets what?

He gains freedom.

He gains freedom.

That is how myself do my thing.


All those you have loosed from bondage, even so they are loosed in heaven.

They have gained their freedom.

They have gained their freedom.

They have gained their freedom.


Not only that they have gained their freedom, they shall endeavour, they shall endeavour, to attend God’s activities.


Many of those you performed spiritual work on today,

 have visited several places

 have visited several places

 have visited several places

 have visited several places

 have visited several places (have gone here and there, been to other churches, ministries and fellowhsip).



If they would speak, I am asking them, when they stepped into DivineBase Abagana, today, did they see any difference or not? Yes.


Have they answered me? They said that there is difference.


Jesus Speaks To Those Newly Anointed As Ministers Of God, Calls For Agility And Dedication To Duty

The two person anointed today should come out.

You have to kneel down.

When I ask you, you should answer me.

Myself is Emmanuel, the person you know His name.

Do you hear my voice?



Ministers have no rest.

Ministers have no rest. (You should be prepared to work always.)

My ministers are agile.

My ministers are agile. (Ha n’adi gala gala.)


I have a question to ask the ministers – those anointed today.

Archangels Michael, Uriel, Raphael, do you know that they are very agile, they move very fast.

Once they are sent, they go immediately and do their work.


Many, when they are assigned what to do, when they are assigned what to do, when duties are being specified, they look for somebody to go with them.



The Angels in heaven, they have wings with which they fly. They have wings with which they fly.


What does the wing mean?

What do the Angels do with the wings?

Response 1: Holy Spirit…


Ministers, so many things you supposed to learn, you have not learnt them.

You do not know them.

You do not know them.

You do not know them.


Ministers Should Work Like The Angels Who Have Wings

Do you not know that the Angels use their wings to perform great exploits?

They use the wings to scatter evil spirits and wicked people.

Anywhere that is not accessible, the Angels will surely enter therein.

 The Angels will surely enter therein.

 The Angels will surely enter therein. And perform great wonders (exploits).

That is how I want you to be doing your work.

That is how I want you to be doing your work.

That is how I want you to be doing your work.

That is how I want you to be doing your work.

That is how I want you to be doing your work.

That is how I want it. (Not to be giving excuse, excuse, excuse; I am coming, I am coming, I am coming; later, later, later.)



Those anointed today, Those anointed today, you have to remain steadfast.

You have to remain steadfast.

You have to remain steadfast.

Humble your heart…


Archangel Uriel Directs Minsters To Stop Whatever Evil They Do

My message is this: the ministers, the ministers, come out from your hiding place, (stop avoiding duties, take corrections) come out from your hiding place, my Father sees. He sees both in the daylight and in darkness. You may deny before man, but cannot deny before God.



 Ministers, you should mind how you speak.

 you should mind how you speak.

Mind how you talk.

A person opens his mouth to tell stories.

A person opens his mouth to tell stories.

A person opens his mouth to tell stories.

A person opens his mouth to tell stories.


This is the message my Father gave me.

This is the message my Father gave me.

It is for the ministers. 


Not that we cannot call names.

But, we do not want disgrace.


I, Archangel Uriel, is saying this.


Today’s date is what? 3rd March 2012.

Do you hear my voice?

If you know how to pound, pound on mortar (if you are wise, do the right things). But, if do not know how to pound, pound on the ground.


Archangel Uriel Explains How To Know The True Ministers

Listen, let me tell you the message my Father gave me.

Let everybody ask himself a question, and inquire.

If you know where you hide, go away from the place.


There is a sign by which the minister of God is known.

There is a sign by which the minister of God is known. While you are moving, people would say (confirm) that the person is a minister of God.

Just your word of mouth, people will say that the Holy Spirit is using you to work. Only by your behaviour, people will say it is the Holy Spirit that is leading you.



This message, which my Father gave me, shall be delivered to those who are not present today.

You have to ask yourself a question.

You have to ask yourself a question.

You have to ask yourself a question.


The Heaven’s Warrior, Archangel Michael, Cautions The Ministers, Foretells Of The Great And Future Works By God

Son of man, tell the ministers to hold their hands and form a circle.


Son of man, tell them that thus shall the Lord carry them in His arms, if they would make peace and let love reign in their midst, even in the least.


Son of man, greed, greed, greed – everybody wants to be the king, the only person dictating what is happening in this ministry.


Son of man, tell them this is not allowed in their midst.


Another thing discrimination.

Discrimination, discrimination, is not allowed in their midst.


Son of man, tell them to answer this question.

Ask them, the way God is using them to do work, is it good to them or not? It is good to us.

Ask them is the Father using them to perform great things or not?

He is doing so, performing great things.


Even so they should respect themselves.

Even so they should respect themselves.

Quarrels and crisis are not allowed in their midst.


Son of man, when somebody is given a correction, let him accept it with joyfulness and gladness of heart, and not to become offended and refuse to accept correction. Or, he goes outside to tell so many kinds of stories.


Son of man, son of man, son of man, tell the ministers that henceforth, after worship, no one should go outside to say that

 Temple said,

 Evangeline said

 or that Uzoamaka said.

He should not go about saying

 Ngozi said

 or that the person moved by anointing said.

Son of man, tell them to run away from this type of thing (gossiping not allowed).


When others open their mouths to say all kinds of things, it is duty of the ministers to caution such people to close their mouths, because such people do not know what they are saying (they are saying irrelevant things)..


Son of man, tell them that work is just starting.

Tell them that work is just starting.

People to be used by the Holy Spirit are coming in the future.

Tell them that time is coming, when God will be on the stage performing, the Son will be on the stage performing and the Holy Spirit will be on the stage performing.

The heaven’s warriors, Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel, and the Hosts of Angels shall be working, even at the same time.


When population become too much can one perform all the works alone? No.


As population is increasing, even so shall the fire of the Holy Spirit spread, and multiply, works shall be going on here and there. The sign of Truth is that people shall be giving testimonies upon testimonies.


Let them not underrate any work being done in this ministry.

Let them not underrate any work being done in this ministry.

They should not underrate the work.

They should not underrate the work.

They should not underrate the work.


Avoid complains: this person did this, and that person did that.


Ask them ‘Do they hear what I am telling them?’

Let them remember that the captain of this ministry is Archangel Michael, so that he would not use cane to flog them out of this ship.


Tell them that God’s love is from everlasting to everlasting.


Let them receive the message of today and use it to their own benefit.

All that is needed in their midst is peace.

Peace. Peace. Peace.


When they are being rebuked for doing what is wrong, they should not add murmuring to the offence. They should not add murmuring to the offence. Backbiting is not allowed on it.


Ask them, ‘Do they want to be left alone?

To be and do like all the other churches in the world?’

Where everybody does as he likes?


Son of man, tell them to be very careful.

This place is God’s Palace.

Nothing happens as a sudden surprise to the head of this ministry.

Nothing happens as a sudden surprise to the head of this ministry.

Before it happens, he has known and has written it in his book…


If they want to do the work by themselves, then let God give them chance to do as they want, like the other churches.


But, it is not God that shall move for man; instead, man shall move out for God.


Son of man, they are being uplifted from strength to strength, from victory to victory, from radiance (nchawaa) to radiance.

It is through them that the light of Truth shall spread to the ends of the world. For so many nations and churches shall come here to learn the Truth.

Let them not play with all that is being taught here in this ministry.


Son of man, do they want God to round off all the ministering spirits (to stop the ministering spirits from working), so that they stay in blindness and ignorance? No.


Son of man, tell them if their eyes were opened to see what those moved by anointing suffer… they would mercy for those moved by anointing.


Son of man, ask them, ‘Have they gone to Onitsha several times or not?’ Several times.


Ask them how many times they fought battles on the way, while going to Onitsha? None.

Or while going to other places? None.


Tell them that if their eyes were opened to see the battles Angels fight to get to them (from heaven to the earth), they will have mercy for God.

Let them be very careful.

Let them be very careful.

Let them be very careful.

For God loves them and has taken them to Himself, to wash them and to regenerate them, for them to be light, so that others shall know the Father through them. Tell them that there is no blessing greater than this.


Tell them to use the word of today to their own benefit.

As the word is being spoken to them,

 so is the Father speaking to them.

As the word is being spoken to them,

 so is the Son speaking to them.

As the word is being spoken to them,

 so is the Holy Spirit speaking to them.


Tell them that the Angels surround them.

They shall move from strength to strength, from victory to victory.

So many of them shall perform exploits, which they never expected to be able to do.

God is pouring His spirit into them, by the various washing (deliverance, purification and sanctification)

He gives them from time to time.

Shame shall not be their portion.

No failure (fall) in their ways… Instead, victories shall multiply from day to day.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Son of man, all the testimonies already given, when they were praying, working and serving, did they know that such good moves were going on? No.

When they were doing those little things God told them to do, they did not know that God was using the little services to perform great wonders (works)? ...

What they are seeing is just the beginning.  Time shall come, different nations shall hear what God is doing, what tingles the ears for good, and seek the Lord by coming to this ministry. Let them remain steadfast in work. Let them fear not. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


When they close today, they shall bow down to the ground for God, seven times.

For many times God pours blessings upon them, they do not bow down to Him.

Many a times, God fights battles and gives them victories, and they do not show appreciation by bowing down.


So many blessings are given to them by the Holy Spirit and they did not bow down.

Ask them, did not the Holy Spirit say that He shall change their location for better? He said it.

Ask them, when He said it, did they bow down to God? We did not. They owe debts. They shall bow down to God, seven times.


Tell them that the blessings and glory of God shall continue to follow them, whether they are moved by anointing or not.

Every minister of God, whether moved by anointing or not, already has anointing on him.


Duties Of A Prophet


To Prophesy

It is the duty of the prophet to tell people about future events, as well help them make necessary preparations or preventions.


To Know The Truth

First, to teach people the truth about God and life.

Second, to help people know the facts and details of what has happened, what is happening or may happen in the future.


It Is The Duty Of Ministers To Wash The Holy Vessels

Is the head of the ministry here? Yes. Lord.

Let me ask you question.

All the vessels for work, when were the vessels washed last? It has been a long time.


It is the duty of the ministers.

It is the duty of the ministers.

It is the duty of the ministers.

It is the duty of the ministers.


My child, you have to teach them.

My child, you have to teach them.

My child, you have to teach them.

My child, you have to teach them, so that each person will know his duty, so that each person will know his duty.


The Holy Spirit Advises The Ministers To Be Very Fast In Rendering Services

My children, listen …

The Angels in heaven are usually very fast.

So you shall be on earth for me.

You have to behave like a dove.

Fastness is the number one.

Fastness is the number one.

You have to be fast.

Being fast at work.

Do not wait to be told at all what to do before you do it.

Do not wait to be told at all what to do before you do it.

Do not wait to be told at all what to do before you do it.

The Holy Spirit shall inspire you and you shall know what to do.

It is what I have assigned to you that you shall do for me.

It is what I have assigned to you that you shall do for me.

It is what I have assigned to you that you shall do for me.

Do you hear my message for you?

Do you hear my message for you?

Do you hear my message for you?


Know it that as you are working, you have wings with which you fly… by being fast at work.

This is your message.

This is your message.

This is your message.


Ministers Should Be Agile

Ministers, my minister, my minister.

I want you to be agile.

Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael are always agile.

As it is in heaven, so it shall be on earth.

This one is not different.


The Holy Spirit Explains The Conditions For Seeing Him Face To Face

Many are praying, saying,

Holy Spirit I want to see you.

Holy Spirit I want to see you.

Holy Spirit I want to see you.


He wants to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit.

But, myself cannot enter their hearts.

My children, your hearts are dark.

The hearts of many are black, full of darkness.

Where is the heart in which I shall come into you?

Where is the heart in which I shall come into you?

Where is the heart in which I shall come into you?


Myself is spirit.

Myself is spirit.

Myself is spirit.

Myself is spirit.

Myself is spirit.


I am partly Spirit and partly man.

I am partly Spirit and partly man (o jee na muo,  o jee  na mmadu).

Only those who believe in me shall see me, those who welcome the Holy Spirit with good heart, those with pure heart…

Only those people shall see me.

Only those people shall see me.

Only those people shall see me.

Only those people shall see me.

Only those people shall see me.



Do you want to see the Holy Spirit? Yes.

Do you want to see the Holy Spirit? Yes.

Do you want to see the Holy Spirit? Yes.

Do you want to see the Holy Spirit? Yes.


How is your heart?

How is your heart?

How is your heart?

How is your heart?

(What is the condition of your heart? Is it full of evil thoughts? Bitterness? Grudges? Anger? Etc.)


How many times have you prayed for others?

Not just praying for yourself alone?

Many are praying for themselves only.

Themselves only.

What of your others?

What of your others?


My children, I am asking, what of your brother?

Not only praying for yourself.

What of your brother?

What of your brother?

What of your brother?

What of your brother?


God’s Will Is Supreme

This … minister said she will not work today.

But, what is happening now?

But, what is happening now?

But, what is happening now? (She is working, being moved by anointing).


Doves, what is happening now? (She is working)

This shows that it is not man that is working.

It is the Holy Spirit that is working.

It is the Holy Spirit that is working.

It is the Holy Spirit that is working.

It is the Holy Spirit that is working.


She has to do her work.

She has to do her work.

She has to do her work.


God Makes Known The Enemy Within The Church

Peace be with you.

I did not come to take your time.

But, I came to let you know one thing.

What caused Judas not to enter the kingdom?

Reply 1: It was because he was a hypocrite.


Yes, because he betrayed me, because he betrayed me, because he betrayed me.


So it is in this present generation.

So it is in this present generation.

So it is in this present generation.

For everyone who is not with us is against us.

He is against us. He is against us. He is against us.


(God the Creator of Heaven and Earth has come into our midst, speaking).

Let everyone be very careful for what you are about to do (ordination and anointing) is not a children’s thing (not a child’s play,

 not something to be played with).

It is not only being interested in (desiring) to be anointed.

It is not only (just) to be ordained.

The fact that you have been ordained does not mean that you have reached my kingdom.


For everyone among you who is disobedient to teachings and words (instructions), everyone who is against us, he is an enemy.

He is an enemy.

He is an enemy. (For he does not follow the footsteps of God and is busy destroying the works of God and misleading the souls of humanity).


Let everyone use his tongue to count his teeth. (Be ready to serve God, come out publicly. Stop giving excuses, stop backsliding and stop conspiracy).


Even so I am in your midst in whatever you are doing.

For I am that I am (the Creator of Heaven and Earth, the Unchanging One) whose word does not go out and come back empty-handed (fruitless, without desired effects). Every word that goes out of my mouth, it shall not return without accomplishing the purpose for which I sent it. For I am that I am. For I am that I am.


You have to use your tongue to count your teeth, (Everyone has to examine himself and ask himself questions. Strive very hard. Be serious - committed - at work) so that you do not think that this ordination and anointing is a mere thing, a thing of play. No. As soon as the ceremony is over work has to start in earnest.)


For everyone I call, who does not answer when I call him (what does it mean that such a person does not answer call when God calls him?

It means that when God gives a directive, the person does not comply. It means that when the head gives a directive, the person does not comply.

Know you that such a person is a scattering one and not a person who gathers.


But you should know that everyone who is against us is an enemy.

He who knows how to pound, let him pound in the mortar, and he who does not know how to pound, let him pound on the ground.

(Everyone who wants, to be beneficial to himself, let him listen to God’s message of the day and do it).


Peace be with you.

Peace be with you.

Peace be with you.


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