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God’s Message For Those Who Want Good Wives

Every man who wants to marry  goes to the man of God asking for a good wife.

“A good wife, a good wife, a good wife,” is all he says.


He does this after disobeying all the commandments of God.

After defiling God's churches and holy places.

After encouraging the young girls in all kinds of immoralities and indecent dresses.

After telling the girls, “It doesn’t matter”.

After committing all kinds of sins and iniquities.


After washing all kinds of devilish films and demonic videos.

After patronizing all kinds of home video producers, who are busy every day misleading the souls of humanity into the hell fire.

After patronizing all the film actors, who pretend to entertain the society, but are busy every day corrupting the youths and children without restraint.

He comes to the ministers of God asking for a good wife to marry.


Even so without repentance and without remorse.


Who will marry all the girls they have misled into prostitution?

Who will marry all the girls they have abused and misused?

Who will marry the young ladies they have turned into lazy servants?

Who will marry all the young girls who have changed their skin colours through makeups?


Every man, who wants a good wife, should first make himself a good husband.

He should first keep the word of God.

He should first abide in the original Ten Commandments as in Exodus 20.

He should first celebrate God's seven annual festivals as written in Leviticus 23, and not the pagan feasts, which have been introduced into Christianity and baptized with Christian names.


A word is enough for the wise. The same message goes to all the young ladies, who are each busy praying and looking for a good husband.


Otherwise, God will pay them in their own coins when the time comes for marriage.

Whatever a man sows, the same he must reap.

Likewise, every society.


If you like, warn every youth who is misbehaving.

If you do not like, keep silent while things are going bad.

But, remember that people must reincarnate to harvest the seeds of their previous lifetimes.

And that is why things are getting worse.

Be warned!


Peaceful Settlement Of Divorce Cases



In this end time, marriage failures and family crisis are on the increase. At times, the aggrieved ones are not patient enough to allow for peaceful settlement. They are quick to rush for divorce or cancellation of already concluded marriage. The situation is getting so bad that it is necessary to remind humanity of due process, as commanded by God in the scriptures.


In the scriptures, Jesus teaches us that it is better to make peace and settle with our offender, than to go to court and from there go to prison. This teaching is very timely, and it applies to both earthly and heavenly laws.


Therefore if you bring your gift to the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you, 24 leave your gift there before the altar, and go your way. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift.  25 Agree with your adversary quickly, while you are on the way with him, lest your adversary deliver you to the judge, the judge hand you over to the officer, and you be thrown into prison.  26 Assuredly, I say to you, you will by no means get out of there till you have paid the last penny. Matthew 5:23-26


Spiritual Interpretations

Spiritually, Jesus is saying that:

1.    Being at peace with your fellow human beings is a pre-condition for accepting your gifts and offerings at the altar.

2.    In other words, brotherhood of mankind is far important to God than numerous religious pieties and the offerings of thousands sacrifices.

3.    All our prayers and offerings become meaningless and useless, if we do not live in peace with one another.

4.    We should do everything possible to avoid any judgement before God, where you do not know whether you shall win the case or not; and where, if you are found guilty, you shall end up inside the hell fire, even so for everlasting torments and gnashing of teeth.


But, majority are neglecting this all time warning and possible doom.


Necessary Questions

Below are vital questions to ask those who are asking for divorce or court case. Every minister of God should not encourage divorce or going to the court. Instead, he should endeavour to establish peace, pursue it and defend the same, unless God says otherwise.

Therefore, when the contending parties come to you for counselling or judgment, be wise enough to ask them the following questions:

1.    What efforts have been made for peaceful settlement?

2.    Have you prayed to God about this case?

3.    If you have prayed to God, what and what did God say about the case?

4.    Have you done what God asked you to do? In many cases, people receive directives from God, through the ministers of God, but refuse to obey the directives. They insist on doing whatever they want or think is the best.

5.    Have you done what Master Jesus said in the bible? :


How Jesus Said We Should Settle Cases

"Moreover if your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone. If he hears you, you have gained your brother. 16 But if he will not hear, take with you one or two more, that 'by the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.'  17 And if he refuses to hear them, tell it to the church. But if he refuses even to hear the church, let him be to you like a heathen and a tax collector.” Matthew 18:15-17


1.    The first thing is to go to the offending person and tell him his offence. If he understands and apologizes or makes amend, then you have won both the case and your brother. That is double win. Unfortunately, majority do not this, as advised above. Instead, they go about telling one person after another, when they should go straight to the offender and settle with him.

2.    The second thing, if the brother or person proves unrepentant, is to go with one or two witnesses and discuss with him. If he repents, then you have triple win – you win the case, win your brother, and gain more public confidence, which is more precious than money and wealth.

3.    The third phase, if the brother or offender is still unrepentant, is to ask the church to intervene. If he repents then, you have four victories, because you win the case, win your brother, win public confidence and you stand righteous and blameless before God and man.

4.    Where all the above steps fail, then the offender shall be to you like a heathen and a tax collector. That means that he stands guilty before God and man, and is condemned to hell fire forever, by his own making.


The worst thing is that people do not remember the above words of God, as spoken by Jesus. Worse still, many are not ready and patient enough to allow for peaceful settlement. They are acting without remorse, without repentance and without restraint.


Mercy And Forgiveness Are Very Important To God

The parable of the shrewd servant teaches humanity the importance of forgiveness. Everybody should learn form it.


"For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.  15 But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.” Matthew 6:14-15


He also said to His disciples: "There was a certain rich man who had a steward, and an accusation was brought to him that this man was wasting his goods.  2 So he called him and said to him, 'What is this I hear about you? Give an account of your stewardship, for you can no longer be steward.' 


"Then the steward said within himself, 'What shall I do? For my master is taking the stewardship away from me. I cannot dig; I am ashamed to beg.  4 I have resolved what to do, that when I am put out of the stewardship, they may receive me into their houses.' 


"So he called every one of his master's debtors to him, and said to the first, 'How much do you owe my master?'  6 And he said, 'A hundred measures of oil.' So he said to him, 'Take your bill, and sit down quickly and write fifty.'  7 Then he said to another, 'And how much do you owe?' So he said, 'A hundred measures of wheat.' And he said to him, 'Take your bill, and write eighty.'  8 So the master commended the unjust steward because he had dealt shrewdly. For the sons of this world are more shrewd in their generation than the sons of light. 


"And I say to you, make friends for yourselves by unrighteous mammon, that when you fail, they may receive you into an everlasting home.  10 He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much; and he who is unjust in what is least is unjust also in much.  11 Therefore if you have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches? 12 And if you have not been faithful in what is another man's, who will give you what is your own?  Luke 16:1-13


The mercy and forgiveness you render to others shall save you from the judgment throne of God, from where people are sent into the hell fire, once they are found guilty. Be wise enough to learn from this.


Very Bad Indeed

Where the case is very bad indeed, that it is hard to make peace, let the man and woman each return to his father’s house, for sometime, which may be a year or many years, before the final judgment. Do not rush to grant divorce. Spiritually, it may be very dangerous to do so.


Jesus Speaks About Marriage



Jesus Christ spoke to the world last Sabbath Day, during worship, on 1st May 2021.


Opening Salutation

Everlasting Father!

Everlasting Father!

Everlasting Father!

Everlasting Father!

Everlasting Father!

Everlasting Father!

Everlasting Father!



Son of man, let the congregation sing the song, Onye Ihe Ya Di M Ezi Mma.


Opening Benedictions

Let the peace of God the Father, the FirstSon and the Holy Spirit be with you, now and for everlasting.

Let the peace lead and guide you into the kingdom of heaven.

In the name of the Father, the FirstSon and the Holy Spirit.



Son of man, I have come to order things in sequence.


Number 1: About Ministers And Marriage

Son of man, today, I make it a law unto all the ends of the earth. Every minister of God, every male youth, every female youth, has to first work for God for seven (7) years, before he starts to talk of marriage, before getting married. Son of man, do you hear my voice? Yes, my Lord.


What did I say?

You said that every minister of God, every male youth, every female youth, has to first work for God for seven (7) years, before he starts to talk of marriage, before getting married.


If a young man wants to marry early, let him come early in the morning - let him start doing God’s work early enough - for him to complete the seven years on time, before talking about marriage.

If a young woman wants to marry early, let her start doing God’s work early, for her to complete the seven years on time, before getting married.



Son of man, what of those who have worked for God for five years, in this DivineBase Ministry?

How many years remains? Two years.

Son of man, what of a new minister who has already worked, in this DivineBase Ministry, for 1 year only?

How many years remains before he starts talking about getting married? Six years.


This directive shall be a law unto all the ends of the earth.

This is compulsory, because those called to do God’s work, use marriage to disorganize and scatter God’s work.

Son of man, do you hear my voice? Yes, my Lord.


Once they get married, they abandon all the works that they should do. If you tell a woman what to do, she tells you that her husband told her a different thing. If you tell a man what to do, he tells you that his wife said a different thing. – People abandon God’s work because of so many irrelevant excuses.


Parable Of Two Employees

Son of man, two persons went for employment. The first person, after interview, started working. And very month, he is paid his due salary.


The second person, came for interview. On that day of the interview, he told the company that he wants to marry a wife. One month after the interview, he came back to the company, asking for money to pay bride price.

Son of man, after six months, he came again, asking for money to perform traditional marriage. Son of man, after one year, he came a third time, asking for money to do wedding ceremony.


And after one year, two years, he started to miss work. According to him, any day the company sees him, they should take it so, and any day the company does not see him, the company shall take it like that – he fails to come to work, even so without obtaining permission, without informing the employer. He only comes to work any day he likes.


When queried about his recurrent absences and lateness, he said, “You know that I am now married, and I have started bearing children. That is why I do not come to work.”

Son of man, if you were the employer, will you employ such a person? No, my Lord.

Even so people use marriage to disorganize and scatter God’s work.



Son of man, this order is effective unto all the ends of the earth.


Churches, ministries and fellowships that make it a law that a young man must marry before doing God’s work, today I close and cancel that practice. The young man has to first train himself in the Lord – he has to be well trained in the ways and worship of God.


If time were not spent to train Moses, would he have been able to perform his great works of signs and wonders? No, my Lord.

If time were not spent to train Joseph, would he have been able to rule the world? No, my Lord.

If time were not spent to train Jacob, would he have been able to do his work by living according to the covenant of God? No, my Lord.

Then, why do people put unbearable burdens on themselves, which burdens they cannot bear? – trying to do many things at the same time, and thereby, creating unbearable sufferings inside the hell fire for themselves.


This word is effective unto all the ends of the earth. Start counting the seven years from the first day the person arrives in this DivineBase Ministry, for full time engagement, on the day he becomes an active member. This will prevent the disturbing occurrences of a new minister coming in today to do God’s work, only to start talking about marriage the next day. And before you know it, the intending couple have already gone behind to do what they want.


If you tell somebody what to do, she says that her husband said this. If you tell a man what to do, he says that his wife said that – people use irrelevant excuses of being married to avoid, neglect, delay, disorganize and scatter God’s work, which should be everybody’s priority. By so doing, people keep on disorganizing everything that God has ordered in sequence, both spiritually and physically.


Shocking Revelation

Most of the ministers of God are people, who have reincarnated here on earth, several times. They supposed to be inside the hell fire, because of the evils and abominations, which they have committed in their previous lifetimes. But, out of love and mercy, God sent them back to the earth.


Now that they are here on earth, their primary concern should be to do and complete God’s work, in order to atone for their sins and attain heaven. Instead of doing the needful, they leave this very important responsibility, and face worldly life.




Son of man, I make my word to stop today.

In the name of the Father, the FirstSon and the Holy Spirit.


Closing Benediction

Let the peace of the Father, the FirstSon and the Holy Spirit abide with you, from now till everlasting.

In the name of the Father, the FirstSon and the Holy Spirit.


Closing Salutation

Everlasting Father!

Everlasting Father!

Everlasting Father!

Everlasting Father!

Everlasting Father!

Everlasting Father!

Everlasting Father!


Marriage Responsibilities Of Parents

The current marriage proposals being conducted by people any time and anyhow, in public, are against the commandments of God. The children of God must not engage in such public proposal of marriage. The two families to be involved in a marriage should first make thorough investigations of character, tribe, religion, health and other relevant issues, before proposing or accepting marriage.


Thus said Yahweh the Lord of the Hosts:

"When the Lord your God brings you into the land which you go to possess, and has cast out many nations before you, the Hittites and the Girgashites and the Amorites and the Canaanites and the Perizzites and the Hivites and the Jebusites, seven nations greater and mightier than you, and when the Lord your God delivers them over to you, you shall conquer them and utterly destroy them. You shall make no covenant with them nor show mercy to them. Nor shall you make marriages with them. You shall not give your daughter to their son, nor take their daughter for your son. For they will turn your sons away from following Me, to serve other gods; so the anger of the Lord will be aroused against you and destroy you suddenly. But thus you shall deal with them: you shall destroy their altars, and break down their sacred pillars, and cut down their wooden images, and burn their carved images with fire.” Deuteronomy 7:5



Celibacy is contrary to what God said, that humanity should increase and multiply. But, the reverend fathers and sisters are working against the word of God by refusing to marry. Yet, many of them are committing sexual immoralities, behind the scene, in secret places and at far away residences.


Reasons Why So Many Marriages Are Not Successful

1.    The couple are not romantic. They are separated from each other, though they are living in the same house and inside the same bedroom. They are like strangers to each other.

2.    Many years of bad inculcation. The parents and the church spend so many hours and days and years, telling the youths and children that sex is a sin. By the time young men and ladies are married, the will power to have sex has been killed or discouraged. The effect is that so many couples live just like brother and sister, without due romance.

3.    In other words, people are generally marriage illiterate, and by the time they are married, they know neither each other nor what steps to take. The woman does not know how to turn on his husband, and the husband does not know on which parts of the body to press his wife. It is like giving the android smartphone to somebody who does not know how to use it, and is like making tea without sugar.

4.    The effect of darkness is unknown to people. At nights, and inside the bedrooms, once the lights are switched off, everywhere is utter darkness. That means that when the man supposed to see and appreciate the beauty of his wife, he is seeing only darkness everywhere. By this darkness, separation has started, and the intention and joy of romance is killed. As a remedy, couples should not sleep inside dark bedrooms. They should have the lights on or make the light dim.

5.    Many couples live like the parable of ignorant honey-bearer. A boy went to the forest to fetch firewood. He found some and carried them home. In one of the firewoods were a collection of colourful paste, which appeared golden in some parts and dark brown in others. All the while the boy was carrying the firewood, he did not know that he was carrying honey on his head, until he reached home. Then, the grandmother identified the semi-liquid substances, which all the members present ate, licked and enjoyed.

6.    Up till their marriage time, and well into their adulthood, so many youths still fear the idea of having sex, because all the while they have been told that sex is a sin. One girl slapped off her husband, on the night after wedding, just because the husband touched her body, romantically. Another girl stabbed her husband to death, who was touching her body. In the court, the girl confessed that she did not know that sex is part of marriage.

7.    At times, it seems that it is the disobedient youths, who engage in sexual immorality are wiser and more benefited than their counterparts who are religious and devoted. The venturous youths soon bear children, while the saintly ones may suffer many years of infertility.

8.    In a fast changing world, where everybody’s mind is set on making money, acquiring money and rushing from one business or duty post to another, or from one engagement or responsibility to another, many sets of couple do not have time to stay together, to eat together, to chat together, to live together, and to associate with each other. In other words, such couples live far apart from each other.


All that they gain from each other is the early morning greeting, “Good morning.” Soon, each person is off to work, where he is only interested in making more money, to the neglect of the other partner.


9.    With the trending social networks, like Facebook, Messenger and WhatsApp, couple keep themselves separate and far away from each other, because they are busy, each pressing the phones, clicking the buttons, watching videos, chatting with friends, to the neglect of each other.

10.            Decent dressing can kill both love and romance, if the man and woman are always covered up and hidden from each other by their type of dressing. Especially at night and when they are alone.



1.    It is disappointing that ministers of God are always shouting that fornication is a sin. Indeed, fornication is a sin, but they fail to teach humanity the good aspect of sex.

2.    We must stop telling the children and youths that sex is evil.  That is corrupting the hearts and mind of the children and youths, against the facts of life.

3.    Encourage the young men and women who are ripe for marriage to watch films and videos of love and romance. However, such films and videos must be meaningful and decent.

4.    Discourage under-aged children and youths from watching pornographic films and videos, because such children and youths are not yet mature and ready for marriage.

5.    And do not demonstrate love and romance in the presence of children and under-aged youths. This bad practice has become very common during weddings and traditional marriage without the MCs knowing what harm they do to the children and youths. Adults often forget that children play a lot, and act whatever roles they see in life, during their playtime. The devil sneaks in during such playtimes to use the bad children to corrupt the good ones.


The Spiritual Benefits Of Sex


Meanings Of Sex

1.    Sex is the combination of two or more things to produce another thing that is both good and different, just as we combine water, beverage and sugar to get tea; and just as we combine flour, sugar and water, and then bake them together to make bread, which is very good source of strength for the body.

2.     Etc.



It is disappointing that ministers of God are always shouting that fornication is a sin. Indeed, fornication is a sin, but they fail to teach humanity the good aspect of sex.


The Spiritual Benefits Of Sex

1.    Rise in spiritual level of vibration.

2.    Pleasure, which is a combination of excitement and sweetness.

3.    It is a very good method of exercise. It involves series of exercises.

4.    Therefore, it provides the same benefits you get by doing sports and exercises, which are physical fitness, mental alertness and spiritual soundness.

5.    It prevents obesity, by burning excess fats and oil.  Obesity is not good for your spiritual growth.

6.    It leads to complete exertion of the body, resulting in the depletion of body’s strength and action. The exertion makes the body weak and quiet, so that the spirit can rise out of the body to receive clear and accurate messages, by having spiritual encounters and experiences, which are very important for spiritual growth and development.

7.    Usually, what follows sexual activity is full rest and sound sleep, with clear revelations through dream, trance or vision. After sexual activity, the body, spirit and soul are at peace – the enabling condition for good spiritual experiences.

8.    The sound sleep is very good for spiritual life, because that is when and how the spirit becomes free from the body.

9.    Once the spirit is free, it can visit important places, distant kingdoms, other worlds and higher heavens.

10.           It is a practical demonstration and experience of love, peace and unity.

11.           It provides relief from everyday burdens, stress and sufferings, by changing the nature of signals going to the nerves and brain, to the heart and mind.

12.           By so doing, it ensures that people do not die young, from hardship and sufferings.

13.           That is one of the reasons why a man with a short life is advised to marry early enough, so that the presence of a woman in his life will turn his short life into a long life. This is possible, because the vibration of the woman combine with his own vibration to change the general trend of his life.

14.           Without sex, God will be busy everyday creating this and that, and repeating the same operations so many times, with monotony. That means that God will not have time for rest; always working.

15.           In order to solve the problem of working endlessly, God handed over the power and duty of creation to the created things. In this way, every created thing is able to recreate itself, multiply its number, and ensure its continuity and availability.

16.           We live in a world, where sex places very important roles in nature.

17.           Without sex, the plants cannot produce many foods, fruits, seeds, nuts, vegetables, leaves, drinks and manure, to feed the teeming world populations.

18.           Without sex, the animals cannot increase and multiply to provide enough foods, meat, milk, bones and nourishments for humanity.

19.           Without sex, the animals cannot increase and multiply to produce enough hide and skins for leather, shoes, sandals, slippers, belts, bags, dresses, etc.

20.           Generally and spiritually, the time of sex is a moment of union. This union is the basis of unity in life. Both union and unity are the powers and pillars of the universe, holding everything together, in an orderly and organized manner, such that there is implosive victory. That means unity in diversity – all things continue to increase, multiply and diversify, without conflicts and crisis.

21.           Etc.



1.    We must stop telling the children and youths that sex is evil.  That is corrupting the hearts and mind of the children and youths, against the facts of life.

2.    Rather, we teach them that sex is both good and natural.

3.    We should also teach them when sex is good and when sex is bad.

4.    There is time for everything in life. Therefore, the children and youths should concern themselves with their education and training. They must wait for the age of maturity and responsibility, before having sex, so that they shall be able to take care of themselves, take care of their babies and handle family matters.

5.    Besides, teach them the dangers of pre-marital sex and the problems of sex outside marriage.

6.    Discourage every form of sex outside marriage.



1.    Truly, fornication is a sin, because it is like stealing, by a person taking what does not belong to him.

2.    And it leads to spiritual downfall, turning all the spiritual efforts and achievements of so many years into wasted years.

3.    By fornication is meant sexual immorality, adultery, lust, harlotry and idolatry.


Wedding Errors

The following wedding practices are evils and abominations to the Lord

1.    Kissing inside the temples and holy places. Romance is a private affair which must not be done indie the house of God.

2.    Indecent dressing.

3.     Wearing weaveons/attachments.

4.    Wearing shoes, sandals, slippers or stockings.

5.    One corner dance, makosa dance, sexy dance, etc.

6.    Wordily and demonic music.

7.    Etc.


God’s Message About Marriage

-         To The Girls, Ladies And Women

-         By Archangel Gabriel


The Message And Warning

Stop thinking about your husband. Stop worrying yourselves about your marriage. The more you think and worry about marriage, the more you push it farther and farther. The more you postpone it.


If you see how girls, ladies and women are complaining about marriage in the presence of God, in spirit, it is very terrible o o o! They do not know that their thoughts sound like thunder and lightning before the throne of God.


The best thing a girl, lady or woman should do is to engage herself in God’s work. And at the right time, even so unexpectedly, the right person will come to meet her. Some of you have being destined to find your husbands in the process of doing God’s work. Unfortunately, majority of you are shying away from the Lord’s Sabbath temple and holy places. Yet, you are bold and quick to say that Jesus is the Lord of Sabbath.


Besides, many of the married women are not marrying their right husbands. People do not marry to fulfil their destiny. Instead, they marry because of earthly money and wealth. When you come up to the heavenly courts, you have to explain why you stole another person’s husband. And thieves do not and cannot enter the kingdom of heaven.


Problems Being Caused By The Mothers-In-Law


1.    Unnecessary intrusions, by interfering in many things that do not concern them.

2.    Leveling false allegations against their daughters-in-law.

3.    Bearing grudges.

4.    Having an unforgiving spirit.

5.    Underground works, by consultations and manipulations.

6.    Refusal to let peace reign.

7.    Being troublesome and quarrelsome.

8.    Rejection of peaceful settlements.

9.    Blocking necessary assistances.

10.           Disorganizing peaceful and social relationships.

11.           Conspiring with some against the others.

12.           Siding with the rich and successful ones against the unsuccessful children.

13.           Inciting their children against the daughters-in-law.

14.           Excluding the daughters-in-law from family meetings.

15.           Etc.


Problems Being Caused By The Daughters-In-Law

1.    Laziness.

2.    Being busy pressing the phones, when there are very important duties to be done in the house.

3.    Exhibiting cold attitudes against some or other members of the families.

4.    Being talkative.

5.    Engaging in how exchange of words, from time to time, which practice the Holy Spirit does not want and does not allow.

6.    Speaking ill-words, vulgar worlds, without knowing the implications of what they are saying.

7.    Etc.


Prophetic Guide On Marriage Consultations

Ask them about previous messages, and whether they have complied with those messages. Many people refuse or fail to carry out the instructions given to them by prophetic messages, and still move from one church, ministry or fellowship to another, to consult other men of God.


Why We Need Peace In The Family

Between The Mothers-In-Laws                         

And Their Daughters-In-Law And House Maids


It does not please God whenever the women are complaining and quarreling with their daughters-in-law and house maids.


Many of the women today, especially the mothers-in-law, you were having problems with your own mothers-in-law far back, when you were newly married to your husbands.


It is regrettable that today, you are having quarrels with your own house maids and daughters-in-law.


So, the question now is, what is the cause of this ugly and persistent misunderstanding between two parties?

Who supposed to be best friends?

Who supposed to team up, for the good of all the members of the extended family system?


One is clear, and it is not good. It is hard to find a woman who freely accepts to accommodate and live peacefully with the child of another woman. The real problem is that every women is interested in her own children only.

That is stupidity, because your services to your children is regarded as services to yourself. But, your services to the children of other women earns your more credit, reward and blessings from God. This is true without people knowing it.


Generally, many women think the best thing is to separate from others. Well, physically and in this world, this may seem to be the best. But, in the long run, in long terms, it is not the best. Quarrels and separation increase and multiply unnecessary expenses and create avoidable … and hinders important opportunities in life, in both short term and long term.


For example, a family of eight persons can conveniently live in the same house. Once they allow quarrels and misunderstanding, they create burdens for themselves, in the following ways:

1.    Each person rents a house, to live alone in peace. By so doing, seven person shall be paying house rents. That is seven times what they pay when they live together in peace.

2.    Assuming the average house rent for a year is N100,000. That means the family is losing seven hundred thousand every year.

3.    In ten years alone, the family has lost seven million naira, without knowing it.

4.    Each person as tenant has to pay for electricity bills.

5.    If one person pays the average of N1000, a month, that is a total of N12,000. The lost is N12,000 times seven, which equals N84,000 a year.

6.    Each person has to pay for cooking gas, which may be about N5,000 for two months. That is a total of N30,000 in one year for one person and a total loss of N210,00 naira in year, by the family members.

7.    Assuming other miscellaneous expenses to be true, bringing the overall total amount to several million naira in ten years or one million naira in one year, which is a very huge amount of money.

8.    Meanwhile, many things that should have been done or provided with money in their family house are forgotten or left pending.

9.    In addition, you lose several opportunities of favours and connections from other members of the extended family.

10.                       You miss the people who should have offered you financial assistances and support on several occasions.

11.                       You miss the wisdom of others and lose the gains from their experience in life.

12.                       The same losses are suffered whenever there is marriage ceremonies, wedding events, funeral cases, court cases, etc.


The following are very bad

1.    Always complaining of this and that.

2.    Speaking to people with harsh tones, whether the person is a child or adult.

3.    Meeting people with bad countenance, whether the person is a child or adult.

4.    Threatening somebody.

5.    Cursing somebody, whether the person is a child or adult.

6.    Abusing a person, whether the person is a child or adult.

7.    Frequently rebuking a maid or another.

8.    Making others to know and feel that you are not happy with them.

9.    Leveling accusations against others, whether the person is a child or adult.

10.           Making house maids, house boys and daughters-in-law to feel that they are just servants, who can be sent home anytime and anyhow.

11.           Failure to allow somebody to rest, whether the person is a master or servant.

12.           Always scheduling domestic duties without taking the welfare and convenience of others into consideration.

13.           Failure to remember that the house maid or daughter-in-law can run away from your house and go home.

14.           Failure to show appreciation for services rendered and works performed.

15.           Setting people up, and turning round to blame or accuse the innocent victim. This type of thing has happened so many times.

16.           Etc.


On Marriage

Many women live good life from their childhood to motherhood. However, it is disappointing that many of them destroy all their good works by the time they are old and aged women. This bad trend has made a saint to speak to the male youths, saying, “The time you shall know whether you mother is a good woman or not, is when you get married.”


After observing the following incessant, rampant and ugly behaviours of the mothers-in-law, it is necessary to make known to the women folk their misconducts, which are tearing families apart and destroying destinies of people.


Usually, when the women exhibit such bad characters, they feel that they are free from the consequences, because they think they are the final deciding authorities in their respective homes. They do all these without knowing that they are destroying all the good works of their lifetimes. Therefore, they must reincarnate to suffer for their misdeeds or to correct the errors of their past lifetimes amidst severe punishments.


Generally, people forget that in the next lifetime, positions are swapped. The weak become the strong, and the strong become the weak. The rich become the poor, and the poor become the rich. The great become the small, and the small become the great. The father may become the son, while the son becomes the father. That is why you sometime see an adult calling a child, “My father” or “My mother”.

The only person who benefits most from all the swap is the person who is good to all humanity. Others must reincarnate, to reap the good or bad fruits of their labours, whether they like it or not. 


That is why God said, “If you like, pollute the water. Add urine to it. And mix it up with faeces. But, bear it in mind that it is you that shall drink all the polluted water.” People drink the water they have polluted by reincarnating to suffer for their sins in their previous lifetimes. For example, when Pharaoh was persecuting the Israelites in Egypt, his adviser was by his side making various bad and wicked suggestions against the Israelites. The adviser thought that God would do nothing. But, when he reincarnated as Job, God visited him with several shameful afflictions, which were tragedies, causing him sorrows and regrets.


The following are bad conducts of the mothers-in-law:

1.    Excluding the daughters-in-law from family meetings and discussions. So many women do this and it is an abomination, because such exclusions causes division, disunity, lack of trust and widening communication gap, eventually leading to family crisis, marriage failures and break ups.

2.    Holding secret meetings, without the daughters-in-law knowing it. One strategy used is to target when the daughters-in-law are not at home, gone to market or gone far. That is the time they call their sons to recount all the bad things that the daughters-in-law have done. They do this just to poison the hearts of their sons against their daughters-in-law. It is really unfortunate, and indeed very bad, that many sons in marriage succumb to such evil tendencies. They insult or abuse their wives. They start treating their wives like an enemy. All these things are not good.

The mothers-in-law should, and must, leave their sons to enjoy their marriage, by not interfering, just as the children do not interfere in the lives and marriage of their parents. The bible says that the man shall leave his parents and cleave to his wife. But, today, so many men abandon their wives and cleave to their parents.


3.    Holding separate meetings, without the daughters-in-law knowing it.

4.    Taking over what belongs to the daughters-in-law. An example is a woman who goes to sleep inside the same room or bed with her son, to the exclusion of the daughter-in-law. This is an abomination. The woman has her husband and should go to her husband, and let the daughter-in-law stay with her own husband.

5.    Poisoning the hearts of family members, friends and relations against the daughters-in-law.

6.    Bordering your husband with complains and bad reports, when he should be freely sleeping or resting. Many women do this, thinking that they are being smart against their enemies and contenders, without knowing that they are cutting short the lifetime of their husbands, tearing apart their own marriage, to their own detriments.

7.    Confusing their husbands, with frequent bad reports and repeated complains against somebody. In their very old age, men are not mentally strong enough to make wise decisions and take right actions. They behave like ignorant and foolish child, who counts every vehicle on the road as its father’s property. In that very old age, the men believe all that their wives are telling them, without knowing that their wives are carrying out a different agenda. That was how Isaac transferred the blessings from Esau to Jacob. That was the reason why King Solomon strayed from God and worshipped other gods, because he was no longer strong enough to control and prevent the foreign wives from worshipping their various gods.

8.    Plotting against their daughters-in-law. They are fond of conspiracies, intrigues and diplomacy.

9.    Speaking with harsh voice to their daughters-in-law.

10.           Backing at the daughters-in-law.

11.           Hindering blessings and favours for somebody. In one case, a son-in-law would send various types of gifts to be shared out to the in-law’s relations. But, the mother-in-law would always insisted that the gifts be sent back to the son-in-law.

12.           Labelling people as bad and evil, when that is not true.

13.           Etc.


All these are the destructive handiworks of Satan, which every woman must guard against in her lifetime, and especially at her old age.


Age And Maturity

One mistake that parents are consistently making, is the failure to recognize the maturity of their sons, when the sons get married. Many parents still think as if their married sons are just ordinary boys that the parents can send in errand any time and anyhow. And the parents easily become offended when their wishes are not immediately done. They fail to recognize the facts that their son, who is married, is now a man, with various kinds of responsibilities and appointments. The responsibilities and appointments take time to plan, schedule and carry out. Therefore, the married young man is no longer a little boy without daily concerns. It is no longer easy to send the man on errand anytime the parents want, because  the young man has many things and people to attend to.



Mothers-in-law and fathers-in-law have caused serious family crisis, by not giving respect to their married sons. The daughters-in-law do not like seeing their husbands being disgraced, whether in public or at home. Even the mothers-in-law would not like their own husbands to be treated with disgrace and shame.


Imagine a situation, where the mother-in-law is telling her married son, or daughter-in-law, to kneel down in punishment, by fire and by force. It is not right, and such a dehumanizing treatment must not be allowed to continue.


Causes Of The Bad Disposition

1.    Ignorance of the consequences. When somebody is always attacking another person, whether the person is a child or adult, the person attacking thinks that he is free to do or say whatever he likes. He feels that he is free from the consequences. But, that is not true, because eventually she person attacking another shall suffer the nemesis, either in this present or future lifetime.

2.    Possession and manipulation of the evil spirits and demons. People become easily possessed by the evil spirits and demons, if they are talkative. And many women are talkative indeed. It is the evil spirits and demons that inspire the talkative ones, tell the talkative the things that talkative people are saying, without people knowing it.  The word that people speak is spirit, and it has power and ability to manifest.

3.    Another reason why this bad nature of the women manifest in old age is this. During their teenagehood and youthhood, they are busy engaged with education or skill acquisitions. During their motherhood, they are busy taking care of the children. But, in their old age, they have little or nothing serious doing. That is when the Devil creep in to inspire and empower them into being troublesome and quarrelsome, even so without their knowing it.

4.    Passion and attachment. Many women feel attached to their sons, to such an extent that they would not like to see another girl or woman suggesting what their sons do. Unavoidably, the daughters-in-law are the ones who are very close and suggestive to their sons of the mothers-in-law. In many cases, the mothers-in-law see the daughters-in-law as intruders, who must be ejected out or just to be seen and not heard. This is very bad development. The mothers-in-law should be happy that her family is growing and expanding.

5.    Etc.


Good Opportunity

1.    The old age is an opportunity for spiritual growth and experiences, just by observing quiet time and meditation.

2.    It is a period when everybody should endeavor to correct all the wrongs that he has made in his lifetime, by making peace, by ensuring peaceful relationships, and by being at peace with God.

3.    It is time for an adult to read so many books on Spiritual Science.

4.    It is a time to restore whatever a person might have wrongly taken from others.

5.    It is time to be regularly and actively participate in religious activities.

6.    It is time to involve one’s self in humanitarian services or community developments.

7.    It is time to avoid all kinds of troubles and quarrels.

8.    It is a time to ensure family peace, love and unity.

9.    It is a time that should be spent in joyfulness and gladness of heart.

10.           It is a time for thanksgiving to God Almighty, for all His mercies and grace, blessings and favours, and successes and prosperity.




Do your best to make peace in every situation, because you stand to lose a lot of good things when you allow quarrels and misunderstandings to linger for a while or last for a long time.

God is never foolish by making us humanity numerous in number.


Be Moderate In Marriage Expenses

Today, people have introduced all kinds of public entertainment, out of ignorance. And the entertainment have become burden to newly wed or intending couples, drains their hard-earned savings and leaves them poor, to such an extent that many of them beg to survive.

Spiritually, marriage is confirmed when a man and a woman promises to marry each other. All that is necessary is an introductory rite and payment of the bride price. As for public entertainments, they should be optional, not compulsory, because many cannot afford for the many expenses needed to host boisterous and glamorous occasions.


How Marriage Comes To Fulfilment

By The Hosts of Angels and Saints of heaven


Many girls are doing all kinds of things, in order to get married. They were indecent dresses, wear different types of weaveons and attachments, and go for the tending fashions and designs. Also, they fix all various types of extras, in the forms of extra eye lashes and extra finger nails.

They fail to understand that all these things do not, and cannot, give somebody marriage. The ones in-charge of marriage are the Hosts of Angels and Saints of heaven.


Your husband or wife was created on the same day with you, when one spirit became divided into two spirits. If you do what God said, the angels will bring your husband or wife close to you. And if you refuse to do what God said, the same angels and saints will hide your husband or wife from you, or keep you two far apart.


In most cases, your destiny was programmed in such a way that you find your husband or wife at the right place and time. But, because majority are not doing what God said, they fail to find their husbands or wives. And many, even majority, are today not marrying the rightful partner, out of disobedience to the word and laws of God Almighty.

All the same, those who are already married, should continue in their respective marriages. But, let everybody learn from the above explanations. You can save yourself, your child or your relation from the craze for marriage.


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