God Is Speaking To The World


Book 7


The Return Of The Shiloh



The Man Who Saw God Face To Face

Raphael Okechukwu Nweze

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  “Son of man,

let this ministry publish my words, so that the words of these prophecies shall be written in the hearts of people.


Let all the nations know about this: about the end time harvest and about this ministry- DivineBase - as the way of Truth. Make the ignorant ones to know these facts (teach, spread, publish).


I am the Lord Almighty.

I am that I am.

I am the Unchangeable One.

I am the Indestructible One.

I, the Lord of Host, does not change.

I am the Lord of Sabbath.”


Below are the words of the Almighty. Those who neglect the words, do so to their own deceit and detriment. Be warned!


Neither To Abolish Nor To Change

Michael the Archangel said, “As Jesus did not come to abolish the laws and the prophets, but to fulfil them, so I have come neither to abolish the laws and the prophets nor to change them, but to fulfil them, to restore them and to establish them firmly, even with the everlasting victory of the Almighty. The same Holy Spirit from Jesus, and as Jesus, is doing all these things to the glory of the Father.”


 On Holiness

1.    You yourselves, one by one, should know that there are things I accept, and there are things which I reject (mu n'aso).

2.    I have patience with you.

3.    For I know how you are.

4.    You are like sheep that went astray (lost the way).

5.    So, I have patience with you, and stay with you,

6.    so that you will know in the truth that I am God, so that indeed I am that I am.


 The Right Way Of Worship

At DivineBase Ministry, Abagana

And As Approved By God


Thus said Yahweh the Lord of the Hosts, when He visited the DivineBase Ministry:

1.      Receive the blessings from the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit,

2.      For we are completely (perfectly) in your midst (n'ozuzu oke).

3.      I am the Unchangeable One.

4.      I have being in your midst, since.

5.      You that answered the call.

6.      It gives me joy.

7.      It makes my heart glad.

8.      I mean a gathering like this.

9.      Because you do it the way I want.

10.    …

11.    The way I established it.

12.    In this way they (Israelites, true worshippers) were doing it in the past,  to pray to me,

13.    to worship me and I was staying in their midst.

14.    That is how I made it (the Sabbath Day) to be.

15.    That is how I want it to be.

16.    That is how I want it to be.

17.    If the world would hear my voice (they should learn from this, and from you).

18.    If the world would hear my own,  then they would know that I am God.

19.    I do not change.

20.    My word does not change.

21.    But the world makes my word seem to change.

22.    My word remains steadfast.

23.    For it is the world that do not keep my word, they do not do as I want,

24.    so that I will bless them.

25.    They follow a way, a way that is not my own way.

26.    And things became hard for them.

27.    Things changed.

28.    Things changed to their own disadvantage.

29.    Those who worship me in spirit and in truth,  the way I established it, I do not disappoint them.

30.    It gives me joyfulness of heart.

31.    It gives me gladness of heart.

32.    As you have gathered.

33.    As you have gathered.

34.    Any day you gather on my Sabbath Day, it is usually a thing of great joy for me.

35.    For then I stay in your midst.

36.    Do you not know this?

37.    Do you not know this?

38.    I stay in your midst, just like father and son.

39.    Staying as father and son.

40.    Staying as father and son.

41.    I shall unfailingly keep (fulfill) my word.

42.    I shall keep the covenant I have with you, if you try to keep yours.

43.    Receive the power of understanding and wisdom, with which you will learn all you are been taught here and put them into practice.

44.    Let my Holy Spirit (fall upon) abide with you


On Timeliness - “I Do Not Play With Time.”

1.    Do your best to keep the appointed time,

the time as scheduled (the time you and I scheduled).

2.    Do your best to keep time, for I am God who does things with time ….. I do not play with time.

3.    Observe Temple. Watch her.

4.    Wherever she is, once it is appointed time, I give revelation to her, I make her to come and stay before the time, instead of coming late.

5.    I make her to come and wait.

6.    She does not do it by her own power.

7.    She does not do it by her own power.

8.    It is myself that does it.

9.    I, myself, give revelations to her (remind her).

10.     So, that she does not waste my time.

11.     So, that she does not waste my time.

12.     I enter into this temple, whenever I want.

13.     Do your best to come on time, whenever you and I schedule to gather.

14.     Do your best to come on time …


How To Prepare Offering And Sacrifices To God

“My child, tell my people, tell them again, whenever they want to bring an offering to me, it has to be something good. I mean something very, very, very good. It is better not to give at all, than to bring what I do not like. Tell them not to provoke me for I am the Lord Almighty. I made heaven and earth by myself and I own everything. … I don't mind even if the offering is small. But, let it be very nice. I am the Lord of Sabbath”.

1.    Always bring the best.

2.    Reject damaged items or broken packages.

3.    Reject materials and containers that are dirty, old or disfigured.

4.    Wash fruits with blood of Jesus.

5.    Spray consuming fire on items that are not destroyed by water.

6.    Spray blood of Jesus on the items.

7.    Conduct inspection of offerings and sacrifices before presentation to God. By so doing, you shall remove offerings that are bad, damaged, spoilt, stained or deformed, as well as those materials from evil places and means.

8.    Etc.


 All The Messages In This Book

Have Been Sealed With God's Signatures:

1. “I am that I am.

2. I do not change.

3. I do not change.

4. I am that I am.

5. I am that I am.

6. I never change.

7. I never change.

8. Every word of my prophecy shall, unfailingly, come to fulfillment, for the world to know that I am God.

9. I am God, the Lord of Hosts.

10. I am the Lord of Sabbath.

11. I am that I am.

12. I change not.”


 Respect And Honour Me Inside The Temple

1.    My children, there is one more thing you do,

which I do not want at all.

2.    I want you to know about it again.

3.    I have said it before.

4.    I am saying it again.

5.    Do you see this temple?  This place of worship?

6.    Whenever you enter into it, give me due honour  and respect. give me due honour  and respect.

7.    Do you know the honour you shall accord me?

8.    Do you know the honour you shall accord me?

9.    I do not want noise.

10.     I do not want noise.

11.     Whenever you enter here, know you that you have entered my presence.

12.     Know that you are in my presence.

13.     Know that I am present.

14.     I do not want noise or conversations.

15.     Whenever you are singing songs of praises,

I do not want any other conversation, except the songs you sing to me.

16.     Do you not know that when you sing, I do stay?

17.     Do you not know this?

18.     Do you not know this?

19.     By the singing, I do stay.

20.     ……..

21.     The singing awakens me.


22.     Uche unu di ya.

23.     Uche unu di ya.

24.     Were nu nka soro m.

25.     Were nu nka soro m.


26.     Mothers, Mothers,

27.     Mothers, Mothers, Mothers,

28.     Teach others.

29.     Teach others, so that you do not mislead others.

30.     Do not be destroyers.

31.     Mothers, if you want to converse, go outside and do so.


32.     There is much difference between the people I created and myself.

33.     Between me and the people I created.

34.     Do you not know it?


35.     For so many bad things like this (noise and conservations), they do in so many churches.

36.     I, myself, am not there.

37.     Let me tell you the truth: I am not there.

38.     They do not keep my laws.

39.     Many come into the church to contend, to compete,

telling whatever stories that please them.

40.     They do not know what it means to pray to me.

41.     They do not know what it means to pray to me.

42.     (They do not know what it means to worship me).

43.     But you are blessed, as I have established this ministry,

for those who want life to get life.

44.     For those who want salvation to get salvation.

45.     The perishing ones who is advised and who heeds the advice, gains from it; but the person who refuses to hear, shall take whatever he sees.


 Practice Makes Perfect

1.      Remain steadfast.

2.      Remain steadfast.

3.      Do you best, as you are being taught, to show all you learn by practice; so that I can continue to abide with you.

4.      Is it clear to you?

5.      It is true you are just starting.

6.      But the person being taught should do like a person who is being taught (by learning and doing).

7.      For in the near future, you shall start to teach others.

8.      Yes, because this teaching shall spread.

9.      This gospel shall spread.

10.    Many have not even heard of it, let alone do it.

11.    Whenever you are being taught,

do like those being taught.

12.    Put it into practice.

13.    Put it into practice.

14.    Put it into practice.


 The person who is advised and who heeds the advice, gains from it; but the person who refuses to hear, shall take whatever he sees.


 “Remember My Sabbath Day To Keep It Holy.”

1. Do your best to keep my commands for me.

2. Do you see my Sabbath Day, I do not play with it.

3. Do you see my Sabbath Day, I do not play with it.

4. Do you see my Sabbath Day, I do not play with it.

5. Your head shall explain to you the things that are not allowed on the Sabbath day. For many of you do not yet know the things acceptable or not acceptable on the Sabbath day.

6. Many of you are still being confused by it.

7. I do not blame you, that is why I patiently stay with you.

8. I do not want your souls to perish.

9. Your head shall explain to you, to make it clear - my Sabbath Day.

10. So that you know the things I accept or reject, so that my grace shall abound for you, for your blessings rest on the Sabbath Day.

11.  As I have said it, so I shall continue to say it, on the Sabbath Day rest your blessings, for obedience is better than sacrifice.

12.  So it is.

13.   ...

14.  On another day, God said,

15.  “I did come today to stay with you.

16.   I came to give you the blessings for today,

17.   blessings for the Sabbath Day, for whoever hears my word and put it into practice, that person I will surely bless.

18.   I shall cause my grace to abound for the person.

19.  But the person who hears my word and throws it away, behold (ma lee) he will surely perish by the sword.

20.  I am the Father, who rules all things,

21.  Who has been in your midst for a long time.

22.  Do you know that I have being in your midst?

23.  I am in your midst, because today is Sabbath Day, which I do not play with, even in the least.

24.  I do stay in your midst.”


 Spiritual Warfare By Michael

Against Those Who Preach Against Sabbath,

On 15th October 2016

 1.    Tell them it is I, Michael, who goes out in the name of God, conquers with the blood of Jesus and returns with victory to the throne of God by the power of the Holy Spirit.

2.    Son of man, ask them, as the son told them on the Day of Atonement,

3.    There shall be in terrible destruction.

4.    There shall be in terrible destruction.

5.    There shall be in terrible destruction.

6.    All those things that are not from the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


7.    Son of man,

8.    I am here today to uproot and destroy every tree not planted by the Father.

9.    To uproot and destroy every kingdom not established by the Father.

10.  As the Father in heaven has confirmed all the works of today, so it shall come to pass.

11.  In the mighty name of Jesus.


12.  Son of man,

13.  Do you see all those that speak against Sabbath, from the east to the west and from the north to the south,

1.    Son of man, today they are being pulled down and turned upside down.


14.  Son of man,

2.    that pastor or reverend father that shall mount the altar again and speak against Sabbath,

15.   Son of man, that very day Angels of God shall drive him out of the altar, and away from the altar.

16.  He shall be disgraced.

17.  He shall be disgraced.

18.  He shall be disgraced.

19.  He shall leave that church with shame and disgrace (Ihere n'okwu n'uka).

20.  So it shall also hold true concerning governors and presidents, different nations of the world, world organizations, those whom the world consider as learned, VIPs that take world decisions,because they are not following the footstep of the Creator of heaven and earth.

21.  In this way…, they are pulled down today.

22.  In Jesus name.


23. Son of man,

24. All that shall rise against this ministry, whether in the past, present and future, and all that shall plan evil against this ministry: all the plots and actions shall surely boomerang (backfire), so that the world would fear the name


Compulsory White Garment For Worship

Suddenly, my eyes were opened to see God on His throne in the sky. He appeared as God of Perfection. Then and Thus said Yahweh the Lord of the Hosts, “The congregations must worship me in white flowing garments, just as the Angels and Saints do in heaven.” This white flowing garment is compulsory for both the ordained and the unordained.


 Why Is God Very Mindful Of White Garment?

White means Truth, Righteousness and Holiness.

Also, it means peace and purity.

It is a symbol of God's perfection.

The main purpose of every ministry is Truth and Salvation.

Other benefits are available:

Healing, deliverance, anointing, breakthrough, etc.

But, the most important benefits are Truth and salvation.


 The Messages Of Jesus Christ

Delivered During The Sabbath Worship

Of Prayer Conference On 3rd September 2016

1.    I have come in your midst today, just as I was appearing in the midst of the Disciples after my death.

2.    I have come to bear testimony that whoever wants to be saved, must turn to Moses and the Prophets, and comply with them, just as Abraham told the rich man inside the hell fire, when the rich man requested Abraham to send someone to warn his five brothers, so that the brothers would not end up in the hell fire.  Abraham told the king that the world have Moses and the Prophets, and any person who would not obey Moses and the Prophets would also not obey even if someone is sent from heaven.

3.    What is Moses and the Prophets? It is the Old Testament books of Moses and the writings of the Prophets.

4.    Did I not say in the gospel “For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled.” Matthew 5:18-19 What does it mean for heaven and earth to pass away? It means that if the people on earth refuse to do what God said, they shall be flushed out and another set of people shall be created to do what the Father says.

5.    Did you not read from the scriptures that God will create new heaven and earth?

6.    Do your best to be among those who shall inherit the new heaven and earth.

7.    You are the children of God.

8.    You are on earth for a visit.

9.    You are here on earth for moonlight play.

10.  You are here on earth because the earth is God's own school. You enter the school by birth, leave it at death and come back to it through reincarnation. However, be warned that you are in the end time. There is little or no chance for another lifetime for each of you.

11.  As the dove came down on the day of my baptism and perched on my head, even so you came down from heaven.

12.  In a school, you have the time for examination and holidays. Likewise, the end time.

13.  Son of man,

14.  Tell the congregation to take everything the head of this ministry says serious. There is no fake in what he is saying. There is no forgery in what he is saying, like those claiming to be speaking when no spirit is in them.

15.  As a man's dress is put on a baby, so it  pleased the Almighty Father to clothe him with the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the hosts of Angels and Saints of heaven. This was revealed to him. Whenever he calls Michael, before he finishes calling the name, Michael would appear to answer him. If he calls Gabriel, Gabriel would appear to answer him, even before he has finished calling the name.


 How To Conduct Oneself Inside The Temple

          Once you are inside the temple, you are in the presence of God, because the temple is the house of the God.

Thus said Yahweh the Lord of the Hosts, “Tell the congregation to be serious whenever they are in my presence. They should stop conversation inside my temple, especially when the praises is going on. If they are not serious, they should give way to the serious ones, to avoid my anger falling on them. Let your director announce it. There is time for everything. They should not play with my time. At the appointed time, start praises, even if it is only two or three persons that are present. Let them start praises. I do things with time.” 

1.    “Once you are inside the temple, be mindful of me,

and be attentive to my presence.”

2.    While inside the temple, stop conversations.

3.    Stop looking outside the windows.

4.    Stop laughing.

5.    Stop playful acts.

6.    Do not engage in any of the above, especially when praises is going on.

7.    Avoid side talks.

8.    There is time for everything. Do not play with God's time. Do not waste God's time. Do not give God's time to others. Do not spend God's time in attending to the worldly needs or problems of people. Do not allow people to use or delay God's time.

9.    Once inside the temple, start praises, even if only one person is present or be prayerful.

10.  Avoid incessant movements.

11.  Avoid indiscriminate actions.

12.  Once inside the temple, do not spend your time asking about people, their wellbeing or whereabouts. 

13.  Do not engage in any of the above prohibited acts, or so, once worship/prayer has started.

14.  Do not answer phone calls.

15.  Do not rush outside to make calls or answer others.

16.  Switch off your handsets, before entering the church compound.


New Currency For The World

1.    Son of man,

2.    Let everybody, every family, every church and every nation return to the original Ten Commandments, given to the world through Moses. And let them restore the seven annual festivals of God. As in Exodus 20 and Leviticus 23.

3.    Son of man, all the money and wealth that people are struggling to amass are the waste products from heaven, which are used to test the children of men.

4.    Today, a new currency is being given to the world.

5.    The new currency is Sabbath, as stated in Isaiah 55 vs.1-  

6.    Read it.


"Ho! Everyone who thirsts,

Come to the waters;

And you who have no money,

Come, buy and eat.

Yes, come, buy wine and milk

Without money and without price.

Why do you spend money for what is not bread,

And your wages for what does not satisfy?

Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good,

And let your soul delight itself in abundance.

Incline your ear, and come to Me.

Hear, and your soul shall live;

And I will make an everlasting covenant with you 

The sure mercies of David.

Indeed I have given him as a witness to the people,

A leader and commander for the people.

Surely you shall call a nation you do not know,

And nations who do not know you shall run to you,

Because of the Lord your God,

And the Holy One of Israel;

For He has glorified you."

Isaiah 55:1-5


7.    No one has this money more than the other.

8.    Whosoever is not keeping Sabbath will not have money or wealth.

9.    You the congregation, tell all your relations that whoever that wants an open door (prosperity) should keep the Sabbath Day.

10.     What about those who want visa? They should observe the seven annual festivals of God or else no visa.

11.     Son of man, the King of King and the Lord of Lords is gathering all the money in the world. Seven palm fronds were given out at random to the people present. By prayer, all the currencies (moneys) were drawn into the palm fronds. Then, the spirit of Joseph was invoked, and he collected all the palm fronds. Blood of Jesus was sprinkled on the palm fronds to disable the currencies, and the fronds were cut into pieces. 7 white bowels were brought out, and 7 children were called out to hold each a bowel.

12.     New money is being brought down today, from heaven.

13.     For those that keep Sabbath once in a year, one measure of God's providence (favours, success and prosperity) was ordained for them, by adding a cup of consuming fire to a basin.

14.     For those that keep Sabbath twice in a year, two measures of God's providence (favours, success and prosperity) was ordained for them, by adding two cups of consuming fire to the second basin.

15.     For those that keep Sabbath thrice in a year, three measures of God's providence (favours, success and prosperity) was ordained for them, by adding three cups of consuming fire to the third basin.

16.     For those that keep Sabbath four times in a year, four measures of God's providence (favours, success and prosperity) was ordained for them, by adding four cups of consuming fire to the fourth basin.

17.     For those that keep Sabbath five times in a year, five measures of God's providence (favours, success and prosperity) was ordained for them, by adding five cups of consuming fire to the fifth basin.

18.     For those that keep Sabbath six times in a year, six measures of God's providence (favours, success and prosperity) was ordained for them, by adding six cups of consuming fire to the sixth basin.

19.     And for those that keep Sabbath seven times in a year, seven measures of God's providence (favours, success and prosperity) was ordained for them, by adding seven cups of consuming fire to the seventh basin.

20.     Other measures apply, according to the above proportions.

21.     Tell the Israelites to keep aside all their human



The Return Of Shiloh - How God Established His Kingdom

          At the beginning, God was present in the form of fire; speaking by His Son, the word of His mouth; and confirming all by His Presence, the Holy Spirit.


   "For ask now concerning the days that are past, which were before you, since the day that God created man on the earth, and ask from one end of heaven to the other, whether any great thing like this has happened, or anything like it has been heard. 33 Did any people ever hear the voice of God speaking out of the midst of the fire, as you have heard, and live? 34 Or did God ever try to go and take for Himself a nation from the midst of another nation , by trials, by signs, by wonders, by war, by a mighty hand and an outstretched arm, and by great terrors, according to all that the Lord your God did for you in Egypt before your eyes? 35 To you it was shown, that you might know that the Lord Himself is God; there is none other besides Him. 36 Out of heaven He let you hear His voice, that He might instruct you; on earth He showed you His great fire, and you heard His words out of the midst of the fire.

   And because He loved your fathers, therefore He chose their descendants after them; and He brought you out of Egypt with His Presence, with His mighty power, 38 driving out from before you nations greater and mightier than you, to bring you in, to give you their land as an inheritance, as it is this day. 39 Therefore know this day, and consider it in your heart, that the Lord Himself is God in heaven above and on the earth beneath; there is no other. 40 You shall therefore keep His statutes and His commandments which I command you today, that it may go well with you and with your children after you, and that you may prolong your days in the land which the Lord your God is giving you for all time." Deuteronomy 4:32-40


How The Kingship Departed From God

    Now it came to pass when Samuel was old that he made his sons judges over Israel. 2 The name of his firstborn was Joel, and the name of his second, Abijah; they were judges in Beersheba. 3 But his sons did not walk in his ways; they turned aside after dishonest gain, took bribes, and perverted justice.

4 Then all the elders of Israel gathered together and came to Samuel at Ramah, 5 and said to him, "Look, you are old, and your sons do not walk in your ways. Now make us a king to judge us like all the nations."


   But the thing displeased Samuel when they said, "Give us a king to judge us." So Samuel prayed to the Lord. 7 And the Lord said to Samuel, "Heed the voice of the people in all that they say to you; for they have not rejected you, but they have rejected Me, that I should not reign over them. 8 According to all the works which they have done since the day that I brought them up out of Egypt, even to this day  with which they have forsaken Me and served other gods  so they are doing to you also. 9 Now therefore, heed their voice. However, you shall solemnly forewarn them, and show them the behavior of the king who will reign over them." 1 Samuel 8:1-9


How The Kingship Returned To God

1. Blood of Jesus was poured on the ground.

2. Three boys were asked to stand out on the blood of Jesus. One person was a king; the second, a prophet and the third, a priest.

3. The three persons represented the kings, prophets and priests, as well as their kingdoms, according to God's word:


And Moses went up to God, and the Lord called to him from the mountain, saying, "Thus you shall say to the house of Jacob, and tell the children of Israel: 4'You have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and how I bore you on eagles' wings and brought you to Myself. 5 Now therefore, if you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant, then you shall be a special treasure to Me above all people; for all the earth is Mine. 6 And you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.' These are the words which you shall speak to the children of Israel." Exodus 19:3-6


But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; 10 who once were not a people but are now the people of God, who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy. 1 Peter 2:9-10


4. Each received and held a candlelight.

5. After readings from the Bible and prayers, each of the three was directed to hand over his power and authority at the mention of the name of Jesus Christ.

6. “Jesus.”: The first submitted, by handing over his candlelight.

7. “Jesus.”: The second submitted, by handing over his candlelight.

8. “Jesus.”: The third submitted, by handing over his candlelight.

9. The three candlelights were presented to God, by prayer, and kept beside the altar till they burnt down.

10.  Finally,  the following offering were presented to God:

a.     Red wine, as blood of Jesus, for God is our Saviour.

b.    Bottled water, as water of life, for God is the Fountain of Life.

c.     Olive oil, as Holy Spirit, for God created us with His spirit.



Bowing Down To God


Introduction To Bowing Down

        Many churches claim to worship God, but do not bow down to the ground for Him. Generally, this is due to ignorance or lack of orientation by their religious leaders.


What do you do when you want to wash a cloth?

Do you keep the cloth separate from water or do you put it into the water?

You put it into the water.

Very good.


How do you take bath?

Do you shy away from the water or you pour the water on your body?

You pour the water on your body.



What happens when you want to swim?

Do you keep yourself away from the water or you dive into the water?

You dive into the water.




whenever you want to bath with the Holy Spirit,

bow down to the ground for the Lord God Almighty.

And if you want to swim inside the Holy Spirit,

bow down to the ground for the Lord God Almighty seven times.


What God Says About Bowing Down To The Ground For Him

“Another thing I wants you to know is this:

1.    You should learn to bow down to the ground for me.

2.    It is a sign of humility.

3.    It gives me joy.

4.    It makes me to bless you more and more and more”.


The Importance Of Bowing Down To The Ground

  The benefits of bowing down to the ground for God include:

1.    In spirit my eyes were opened to see how God blesses those people that bow down to the ground for Him. I saw God go into the innermost rooms of His storehouses. He was searching for the most precious gifts, the very best, to give to those who bow down to the ground for Him.

2.    When you bow down to the ground for God, the Holy Spirit flows through you, from the head down to the toes.

3.    In other words, whenever you want to bath with Holy Spirit, bow down to the ground for God.

4.    And if you want to swim inside the Holy Spirit, bow down to the ground for God, seven times.

5.    There and then, spiritual transformation takes place.

6.    You feel real freedom and release from bondage.

7.    By submitting to God, God becomes enemy to your enemies, and gives you victory over your enemies. Your enemies include wicked people, evil spirits, demons, ghosts, mermaids, witches and black energies.

8.    Bowing to the ground, for God, removes ego, which is a major obstacle to your with spiritual growth and wellbeing. To lose the ego is one of the things Jesus meant by self-denial.

9.    It is a sign of selflessness, which is very important for spiritual growth, experience and mastery.

10.     It is an easy way of practicing self-denial, the pass mark of the saints of God.

11.     It is a security code or password, which the evil spirits do not use.

12.     It is a mark of distinction between the children of God and the children of darkness.

13.     This bowing down is a key that excludes the Devil and all the evil spirits, for they are not humble enough to bow down. That is how the gate of heaven is so big, and yet, the pin point (smallest) evil cannot pass through it.


Relevant Bible References

18 And Jehoshaphat bowed his head with his face to the ground, and all Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem bowed before the Lord, worshiping the Lord.

2 Chronicles 20:15-19


9 Whenever the living creatures give glory and honor and thanks to Him who sits on the throne, who lives forever and ever, 10 the twenty-four elders fall down before Him who sits on the throne and worship Him who lives forever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne, 


What God Said About DivineBase Ministry

   God said, “I have come in your midst, in this ministry, to start My work. Everyone should open his heart, to accept and welcome Me. Pay attention to every teaching here, in this ministry. Whosoever that opens up his heart, I shall come in and abide with him”.


 The Arrival Of The Lord OF Hosts,

Yahweh Nke Usu Nile Nke Ndi Agha:

   In spirit, I was lying down inside a room. One other person was on a bed opposite mine. Three Angels came in. They started bringing out dresses from inside a bag: shirt with blue-white strips, trouser, etc. The lead Angel pointed at me and said, "That is the main person.”

   Already the Lord Almighty has taken possession of me. The Lord Almighty and I became one person. Whatever the Lord did, I did at the same time with Him and as Him. Wherever the Lord went, I went with Him and as Him...

Then, the Lord gave the following message, "Tell the flock that the Lord Himself has come down in the midst of this church to be the Chairman. Those who want to believe should believe. Those who do not believe shall believe later. Those who do not want to believe, let them not believe”. By this time the Lord Almighty was already flying in the air into the church ...


“Use your heart, your good heart,

 to come in, to receive the word of life.

For many of you are having doubts.

For many of you are having doubts.

What is happening here, is it really true?

What is happening here, is it really true?


I want you to know that this is the way of salvation.

I want you to know that this is the way of salvation.

I want you to know that this is the way of salvation.

Whoever that walks in it and remains in it with good heart,

 shall surely have victory.

For my word is Eee and Amen.

My word does not change.”



          The day the three candlelights were presented to God, the Day of the Return of the Shiloh, is the day kingship returned to the hands of God, as Jacob prophesied in the past, saying,


The scepter shall not depart from Judah,

Nor a lawgiver from between his feet,

Until Shiloh comes;

And to Him shall be the obedience of the people.

Genesis 49:10


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