General Corrections




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Crossing The Altar

1.    Whenever you are to cross the altar, you have to bow to God, at the middle of the altar.

2.    If two or more persons are abreast, they have to bow at the same time.


Periods Of No Movements

Movements are not allowed during the following:

1.    Divine Anthem.

2.    Offering of sacrifice.

3.    Arrival of the Holy Spirit.

4.    When God or His Angel is speaking to you. Stand still or kneel down, as the case may be.


Periods Of No Departure

Departing from the temple or holy place is allowed during the following:

5.    Divine Anthem.

6.    Offering of sacrifice.

7.    Arrival of the Holy Spirit.

8.    When God or His Angel is speaking to you. Stand still or kneel down, as the case may be.


Holy Temple And Holy Places

1.    No shoes, sandals, slippers or stockings

2.    No spiting

3.    No urination

4.    No going to toilet

5.    No noise making

6.    No defilement – no women in their monthly periods

7.    No bringing of corpses


Approved Dress For Worship

Pure white garments only.

Both inside and outside must be white.

Put every rope or thread inside.

Put every rope or belt inside the trouser.

Immediately you out off a dress, fold it very well and put it inside your bag.

No hanging of dresses on the walls.



1.    Hold the cups by their sides or handle, and not by the brims or rims.

2.    After drinking, drop the cup inside the vessel for used cups.



Keep every vessel in its appointed place.

Always arrange the vessels in order.



1.    No noise making.

2.    Greetings and conversations must be in low voices.

3.    Greeting people by hugging or embrace, during prayers or worship, is not allowed.


Use Of Phones

1.    The use of phones, handset or android phones is not allowed during prayers or worship.

2.    Switch off your phones before entering the temple or holy place.

3.    You can switch it on again after prayer and worship.


Midnight Prayers And Worship

1.    No use of mats or clothes for lying down.

2.    No use of clothes in covering oneself up.

3.    No use of dull dresses or sweaters.

4.    No use of clothes and dresses that make you appear moody.

5.    Folding hands because of cold or tiredness is not allowed.



During prayers and worship:

1.    Allow the children to stand on their feet.

2.    Allow them to sit down.

3.    Do not keep yourself busy playing with children.

4.    Ministers are not allowed to form the habit of carrying babies about, when the ministers should be praying for people or engaged in ministrations.

5.    Keep noisy or restless children at the back, so that they do not disturb prayers and worship.



1.    Eating during prayers is not allowed.

2.    Likewise, during worship.

3.    Whoever that wants to eat, should do so outside.

4.    The same thing applies to breastfeeding the babies.


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