
The best teacher is humble enough to explain major points
with very simple details.

The Man Who Saw God Face To Face
Raphael Okechukwu Nweze

  1. The Explanations Of The Gospel Of Thomas - Part I
  2. Here is knowledge and wisdom for you. Indeed, blessed are those who know and heed the voice of Truth.

  3. The Explanations Of The Gospel Of Thomas - Part II
  4. A wise man will use the little light he has to gain more light.

  5. Divine Love and Mercy
  6. A Comprehensive Explanation Of Divine Mercy. Here is your key to the Kingdom of Heaven

  7. Confirmations Of The Sayings Of Jesus Christ
  8. Today, I say anew every statement of Jesus, even with more details, meanings and explanations from the Holy Spirit of Truth. Truth is what it is, whether you believe it or not.