The Great Conflict And Falling Away






False Allegations

During the midnight prayers on Seventhday, 6th March, a minster brought a list of allegations made against the DivineBase Ministry. According to the minister who presented the list, the allegations were being made by many people who suddenly left the ministry. Herself, the presenter, was a prophet and visioner. And she said, “I have spent time to study, analyze and examine the allegations, both physically and spiritually, and I found all of them as false. All are rubbish. However, I have brought the list to you, the head, because I told the man, Umunna Muofunanya, who gave it to me that I will deliver it to the head of DivineBase Ministry.”


The DivineBase Ministry had decided to ignore all these allegations by the fallen ministers and expelled members. Later, DivineBase Ministry decided to safe keep a record of the list and our own version of the story concerning the issues raised, because the fallen ministers and expelled members went about spreading the false allegations, thereby pulling many more people out of the DivineBase Ministry, and also discouraging new members, preventing new comers and diverting intending members away from joining the DivineBase Ministry.


We have published these records, so that everyone shall be able to judge for himself, so that those who shall find themselves inside the hell fire, because of these allegations, will know that they deceived themselves into eternal condemnation and sufferings. The Lord Almighty is the Battle Axe!


Many churches, ministries and fellowships have being founded out of jealousy, greed, disobedience and confrontations. And multitudes join theses churches, ministries and fellowships, and remain members therein, without knowing the evil foundations, origin, nature and end of such churches, ministries and fellowships. God intended that His church must always remain one body, one church with one head. But, humanity have, out of their false imaginations, introduced freedom of worship. Thereby, people formed all kinds of religions, churches, ministries and fellowships, which are evils and abominations, and which are provocations to God Almighty.


For examples:

The Roman Catholic Church was formed by the Romans, who disobeyed God’s commandment to keep the Sabbath Day holy. All the teeming members of the Roman Catholic Church are just members of the church of Satan, without knowing it, because Catholic Church was established by man-made decision.

The Anglican Church was established, out of disobedience and personal desire, simply because a king wanted to marry more than one wife.

Today, these two churches are widely recognized by humanity. But, the bad aspect is that all their members are heading to hell fire without knowing it.


General Attendance And Performance

The attendance of the fallen ministers and expelled members was generally very poor. Most of them do not attend regularly, and the records of their attendance were not satisfactory. Their overall performance was disappointing and hopeless, most often scoring far below pass mark.


On several occasions, duties were shared out to them and posts given to them. As usual, they persistently failed to perform. Their attitudes and performance was so bad that God Almighty, did on several occasions, swore in their presence, during prayers and worship, to remove them, because they were spoiling many things.


For many years, the head would come to Fourthday Prayer and Sixthday Prayer on the Sabbath Eve, and would found nobody present and ready. The few that did come would often come very late. On several occasions, the head found that no preparations were made, the temple not swept and no settings made for the day’s services, prayers and worship. Imagine a situation where the reincarnated Jesus Christ, as the man who saw God face to face, would come to prayers and worship, and had to wash and clean His seat before sitting down, which minor duty junior ministers should have done and completed before His arrival. It was so bad, so disappointing and indeed very painful, on so many days and several occasions – numerous times.


The situation was so bad that when Archangel Kaira demanded for new assignments of posts and duties to the ministers, the head refused, because the fallen ministers and expelled members were unreliable. Out of the list of the about seventy duties expected from ministers, they did little or nothing. Instead, the head preferred to wait for new set of ministers who would readily and joyfully render services in the house of God.


Apart from not working, as they should, the fallen ministers and expelled members would team up gossiping and condemning the few regular and active ministers who are hardworking. And they go about telling people that the head does not know what he is doing, simply because the head refused to join them against the few active and regular members.


These set of fallen ministers and expelled members had no regard for the Hosts of Angels and Saints of heaven, who were coming to DivineBase Ministry. to the extents that Angels and Saints from heaven would be teaching and ministering to the congregation, but these disobedient ones would be busy doing some other things, talking, holding a different gathering, playing, conversing, pressing phone, joking or sleeping, while the teachings and ministrations were going on.


Series Of Warnings

On several occasion, God Almighty, and the Hosts of Angels and Saints of heaven, warned them against their misconducts and threatened to remove them from the DivineBase Ministry. When Angels and Saints of heaven moved some of them by anointing possessions, the same warnings were repeatedly given to them through themselves.


Ifeoma And Chikodili

The fallen ministers and expelled members demanded that the ministry should call down Holy Moses, inside Adaobi Nebechi, to come down and confirm whether Ifeoma Ejelue should be allowed to continue ministering to people by anointing or not.


Ifeoma Ejelue was an old minister of DivineBase Ministry. She has stayed up to five years in the ministry. She has completed Spiritual Science College 1 to college 7, and was in Spiritual Science University Third Year.

Chikodili was a new member, who was enlisted into Spiritual Science College 1, but she was not attending classes, trainings or prayers. She was not a regular and active member of DivineBase Ministry. She was being moved by anointing to deliver messages to people, on some of the days that she was present.


On the night following the first Sabbath in which she delivered messages to people, Holy Moses came down in the midst of the congregation holding midnight prayers. The person used by Holy Moses was the same Adaobi Nebechi. Holy Moses warned that Chikodili should not be used by anointing again, until she has passed through series of deliverance, purifications and sanctifications. She had not yet started or completed college 1, after being a member for about three years. Spiritual Science College 1 should have lasted about six months or latest one year.


In other words, what the fallen ministers and expelled members were demanding that should be done had already being done by Holy Moses. Yet, they were not satisfied and obedient. Of what use is calling down Holy Moses to come to do what he had already done?


Ogechukwu And Otito 1

The fallen ministers and expelled members insisted that Ogechukwu should be expelled from the ministry, because she was not attending activities, while Otito was attending. But, the head of DivineBase refused because of the following reasons:

1.    Otito was working as the foreman at the permanent site of the ministry’s headqaurters. She was in-charge of purchases and payment of wages. But, Ogechukwu was working as a nurse at a faraway hospital at Onitsha, called Borromeo Hospital.

2.    Otito was living in Abagana and working at Abagana, while Ogechukwu was living at Abagana and working at a faraway place, Onitsha.

3.    Every day, Otito paid little or nothing, to go to work, of which the transit time is not up to 20 minutes. But, Ogechukwu do take public transport to go to work and return from Onistha, pays much higher transport fare and endures the traffic jams, on several occasions.

4.    The two ladies were given prayers about the same time. The duration of Otito’s prayer was 21 days, while Ogechukwu’s own was 40 days. They were directed to come to the ministry everyday throughout the period of the prayers.

5.    Ogechukwu completed her 40 days prayer and added extra 7 days, despite the fact that she comes back late from work on several occasions. But, Otito did not do her prayers even for 1 day, despite the fact her residence was very close to the ministry.

6.    No wise judge would punish somebody who did prayers for 40 days, and then reward the person who did not do any prayers for 21 days, simply because a group ganged up against an innocent person.


Ogechukwu And Otito 2

They insisted that Ogechukwu was not useful to the DivineBase Ministry. But, the head of DivineBase refused because of the following reasons:

1.    Ogechukwu was the person who gave the ministry twenty thousand naira (N20,000:00) in testimony of what the Lord had done for her.

2.    She gave the ministry ten thousand naira (N10,000:00) for the weekly expenses in the ministry.

3.    She gave the ministry ten thousand naira (N10,000:00) in support of construction works going on at the permanent site, when the ministry was in dire need of money.

4.    She brought a carton of candles, about 64 packets, which the ministry was using for the past six weeks.

5.    She bought a modern mat for the head, who was sleeping on plank. The cost of the mat was five thousand naira (N5,000:00).

6.    Recently, she gave the head a container of drugs, about one thousand tablets.

7.    Later, she gave him another container of one thousand tablets.

8.    From time to time, she feeds the children of the ministry. Many of the children were the children of those causing crisis in the ministry. She would feed them at home or at her mother’s restaurant.

9.    Otito gave the ministry little or nothing, despite the fact that she was being paid full well by the ministry, in addition to provisions of foods and other financial assistance to her by the ministry, none of which benefits was given to Ogechukwu.


Ogechukwu And Otito 3

The fallen ministers and expelled members accused Ogechukwu of being possessed by mermaid, and that she disorganized things each time she came to the ministry. They believed these false allegations, because several spiritual works were performed on Ogechukwu. They saw the series of spiritual works being performed on Ogechukwu, without knowing the reasons for the deliverance exercises. The head explained as follows:

1.    All the spiritual works performed on Ogechukwu were not because of possession by marine spirit.

2.    The first spiritual work of deliverance was performed on her against ancestral idol in their family compound.

3.    The second was performed by Archangel Duma, to make Ogechukwu to be present and working in heaven and on earth, at the same time.

4.    The third spiritual work was performed on her by Archangel Gabriel to console her after she had miscarriage. Then, Archangel Gabriel gave her a sign to show her that God is truly present and working in DivineBase Ministry. That in six months’ time, she will get employment from a company that she had earlier applied for work. That was how she got employed at Borromeo Hospital, Onitsha.

5.    The fourth spiritual work was performed by the head, to separate Ogechukwu from a new shrine recently brought into her family compound.

6.    The fifth spiritual work was performed by Archangel Michael, to make Ogechukwu an anointing dove – somebody used by Archangel Uriel in healing people.

7.    So, why should they accuse the Ogechukwu of being possessed by the marine spirit, whereas the Angels love the same girl, takes her to heaven and let her see God and Angels face to face?


Ogechukwu And Otito 4

The fallen members and expelled members claimed that Otito was singing, while Ogechukwu was not singing. The facts are as follows:

1.    Otito complained of not being obeyed by other lead choristers.

2.    Also, she complained that whenever she takes over the singing from other lead choristers, they would become offended.

3.    Therefore, the head called out all the lead choristers.

4.    He told them that Otito has the right and authority to take over the singing any time she discovers that singing is not proceeding very well.

5.    In addition, he told them that the lead choristers can take over the singing, according to their seniority, any time it is necessary to do so.

6.    In all the arrangement, the head placed Otito as the head of the lead choristers and ruled the case in her favour.

7.    But, when he asked Otito to start singing, on the same day, place and time, Otito stubbornly refused to sing.

8.    She also refused to be the chief lead chorister.

9.    The head warned her that if she fails to lead and sing, that he would have no other option than to remove her from being the chief lead chorister.

10.           Otito choose not to sing and not to lead.

11.           Therefore, the head made Ogechukwu the lead chorister.

12.           The false report was that Otito went about telling people that the head told her to stop singing, instead of telling people that it was herself that refused to lead and sing. She has done the same thing, very disappointing, on some other occasions.


Ogechukwu And Otito 5

They complained that Ogechukwu was wearing trousers. This is true. The fact is that the Hospital, where she was working, made it compulsory for the female nurses to wear trousers. Just like all the girls in the ministry, who were directed not to cut their hairs. But, their schools would ask the girls to cut their hairs, and the schools made it compulsory. Even, the schools do punish the girls that keep their hairs long, send them out of the class or use a pair of scissors to cut the girls’ hairs in disorderly manner, thereby compelling the girls to cut their hairs.


The Number Expelled

Only seven persons were expelled from the ministry. But, others, by their own free will, choose to join the expelled members. From day to day, more people joined the expelled members, until the number grew to sixty-four and eventually increased to over a hundred persons. The fallen ministers and expelled members were campaigning against the ministry, encouraging people to join them in rebellion, and discouraging new members from joining the DivineBase Ministry.


Spiritual Evidences

When the expelled members and fallen ministers left the DivineBase Ministry, peace and joy returned to the congregation at DivineBase Ministry. The few members remaining organized themselves very well, to such extents that they were accomplishing so many progresses far more than the fallen ministers and expelled members did.


List Of The Fallen Ministers

The leaders of the fallen ministers were:

1.    Toochukwu Okoye.

2.    Umunna Muofunanya

3.    Ann Muofunaya

4.    Monica Odumegwu

5.    Ifeyinwa Nweke

6.    Amaka Ifeacho

7.    Nonye Okeke, who was called Mma-agha, which name means sword.


It was the above seven persons that were suspended till further notice from the ministry. But, they immediately expelled themselves by joining another mission and were even proud of doing so, to the extents that they made a video of themselves dancing and rejoicing, and posted the video on Facebook all over the world.


And when they left, they persuaded others to leave the DivineBase Ministry and join them. They were directing members on how to get to their new mission, and later to the ministry, which they established. Eventually, sixty-four (64) persons left, and later a total of a hundred (100) more persons left the DivineBase Ministry, leaving behind about twenty (20) persons.


Toochukwu Okoye

He was the chairman of the DivineBase Ministry. However, he was removed from being the chairman because he impregnated a girl, without paying the bride price and without fulfilling the marriage rites and ceremonies.


Before the above case, he had impregnated another girl, when he was the leader of the Altar Doves (Altar Boys). The ministry removed him from the leadership of the Altar Doves.  Also, the ministry encouraged him to marry the first girl he impregnated and gave him all the necessary support and encouragement for successful marriage rites and ceremonies. When he impregnated the second girl, the head directed the meeting to remove him as the chairman of DivineBase Ministry. As at the time of writing this record, the second girl has begot two children, without any marriage ceremonies – no introduction (Iku Aka N’uzo), no clan’s party (Ewu Nna), no traditional marriage (Igba Nkwu), no visitation (Imalu Be Ogo), no wedding (church wedding and reception) and no registration with the government (Ibi Nye Aka N’akwukwo), all which should be completed before the couple are declared formally married.


He would come to the ministry, but join friends to be pressing phones, watching social networks and engaging in conversation, during prayers and worship. In one of such occasions, Holy Moses was standing in the midst of the congregation, teaching and ministering. When Holy Moses demanded for the phone he was pressing, during Sabbath worship, he refused to surrender the phone or plead for forgiveness, despite several calls to surrender the phone.


Umunna Muofunanya

Despite several explanations, as outlined above, he made it his duty to be accusing the head, from time to time, telling the members that the head does not know what he was doing. He was conniving with many others, holding secret meetings and acts of conspiracy against the head. He did not do his work as good elder of the church, and he supported every enemy of the DivineBase Ministry. He did nothing to encourage the minister and members to render their services and do their works at the ministry; and he did not encourage them to contribute, pay or clear the debt profile of the ministry, which was running into several millions of money, which debt should not have being there in the first place.


Ann Muofunaya

She was behaving like her husband, Umunna Muofunanya. She joined others in disobeying instructions and in plotting against the head. In her previous lifetime, she was the roman soldier, who fed Jesus Christ with soured wine. Even in this her present reincarnation, Jesus as the man who saw God face to face, forgave that offense. Yet, she turned against the Lord and Saviour, again, to her own deceit and detriment.


Monica Odumegwu

On several occasions, different prophets and visioners had warned the head to beware of this woman, who was both beautiful and glorious in appearance. The prophets and visioners described her as a disorganizer and insider threat.


Though she was made the mother general of DivineBase Ministry, she did not do her work as a good leader. She supposed to lead and encourage others to do what the head says. Instead, she was joining all those who were busy plotting against the DivineBase Ministry and spreading false rumours, often doing things contrary to what the head, Angels and Saints of God said.


She made herself an enemy of progress, by acting contrary to whatever the head said. Here are some examples:

1.    The head warned that opening new churches, ministries and fellowships are not allowed, and also warned that such new churches, ministries and fellowships are the church of Satan. Yet, she led the fallen ministers and expelled members to establish a new and separate church, despite God’s warning that the church must be one.

2.    Archangel Kaira delivered message concerning her son, who was breaking the Sabbath. Instead of pleading for mercy, she was defending her son. And later, she came to the head’s office to warn that such messages must not be given to her again. Subsequent events proved that what Archangel Kaira said was true. Her son was attending a Sunday-keeping church.

3.    In one of His ministrations, Jesus Christ directed that all the women who cook food for the congregation must be those who do not wear trousers, short gowns and short skirts. But, she supported those women, who wear trousers and short gowns, to cook the food.

4.    The head directed that registration is free, but she was enforcing registration with money and making it compulsory.

5.    The usual practice was that everybody joined in presenting offerings to God, whether the person was able to contribute or not. But, her action caused division, because she excluded those who could not contribute.

6.    The head called the administrative secretary to find out the cause of the problem in the midst of the women. But, she goes about telling people that the administrative secretary was gossiping. Thereby, this woman made things worse and also made peace hard to make. How can a sensible human being say that the administrative secretary was gossiping, simply because the head asked the secretary questions? In every company or organization, it is the duty of the secretary to provide necessary information where needed.

7.    The right thing for women to do for their fellow members, who gave birth, was to contribute money, which they present to the new born baby. Instead of doing this, she was collecting money to visit a member lady, who had stopped coming to the ministry for about three years, because the lady belonged to her secret group. At the same time, an active member in DivineBase had given birth three times and was not visited at all.

8.    The worst was that when the head directed that all the money collected for child visitation be shared out to all new born babies in the ministry, she went behind and refunded the money to those who contributed. What a terrible wickedness!


Ifeyinwa Nweke

According to Archangel Duma, Ifeyinwa, in her previous lifetimes, was always busy disorganizing God’s work, wherever she was. And Archangel Duma, said to her, “In this your lifetime, God was merciful to bring you into the DivineBase Ministry, for you to correct the wrongs that you have caused in your previous lifetimes. Instead of doing what God intended, you have now and again kept yourself busy disorganizing God’s work in the DivineBase Ministry, in this your present lifetime”.


Amaka Ifeacho

She was so lazy that the only thing she does in the ministry was to come to prayers and worship, sit down and keep silent. But, she would go outside, condemning every good work that both Angels and active ministers were doing in the ministry.


Nonye Okeke

God gave her spiritual powers to be a victorious warrior. That was why she was called Mmagha, which means sword. But, she kept herself busy disorganizing the hearts and mind of both old and new ministers.

She was the one who frequently brought new people to the ministry. But, the bad thing was that she would keep herself busy gossiping, cursing and condemning the old ministers and active ministers, in front of the new people.


On Not Visiting Heaven

The fallen ministers and expelled members were telling people that the head was no longer visiting heaven. The head gave the following explanations:

1.    After seeing God face to face, before more than forty (40) times, and now more than seventy (70) times, and after several visits to heaven, the head has written over one thousand (1000) books and topics. Have you ever heard that somebody wrote over a thousand books and topics?

2.    As at the time of these false allegations, the head was busy writing another set of over one thousand (1000) books and topics, which are teachings, corrections, revelations, messages and warnings from God Almighty, which were being delivered by the Hosts of Angels and Saints of heaven, to the world of humanity, through the DivineBase Ministry.

3.    Despite several explanations and warnings by the head, that writing these books is both time-consuming and labour-intensive, with him alone doing all the translations, writings, editing, typesetting with computer, making corrections, postings, answering people’s questions, and getting the books and papers ready for use, the fallen ministers and expelled members went about telling people that the head was no longer visiting heaven. By so doing, they misled so many people out of the ministry and discouraged so many new members from joining the ministry. The right thing he should have done was to tell people to take the messages and teachings as very serious revelations from God.

4.    Another right thing that they should have done was to give the head all the necessary assistance that needed.

5.    Out of wickedness, they were fighting against God Almighty, by working against the ministry, telling discouraging lies to the public.

6.    Nothing stops any man from visiting heaven. Umunna Muofunanya and his group should have visited heaven, at least once, and to bring their own God-given messages to humanity. Is it not their fellow men, like Holy Moses and Ancient Prophet Elijah, that are frequently visiting heaven and earth, in order to help save humanity?


Demanded Warning Of Mother Stella

1.    Mother Stella was one of the few regular and active ministers, who were doing very well.

2.    After prayers and worship, this woman and her family would not leave the ministry, until they have swept everywhere, removed the refuse and cleaned he head’s office.

3.    This was the only woman that stayed in the ministry with her family, during the seven-day feasts of the Lord, despite the odds and despite the inconveniences.

4.    This was the only woman, who single-handedly worked, on many days, at the new site, when many other ministers failed to participate in several calls for work.

5.    The rain and flood were destroying the new buildings, foundation and landscape of the ministry. This was the only woman who devoted time working, on several occasions, to save the buildings, to make ways for the flood and to restore the landscape.

6.    She was actively working in many fronts for the progress of the ministry.

7.    On many days, and every week, she would go on evangelism or lead her children on evangelism, advertising the DivineBase Ministry and spreading the DivineBase teachings.

8.    So, why should the lazy ones complain or judge the active and progressive member?


On Testimonies

The fallen ministers and expelled members complained that people were not giving testimonies.

1.    The fact is that usually on the Sabbath Days, time is not enough to complete all that should be done.

2.    Even the Hosts of Angels and Saints of heaven do not usually have enough time to complete their works and ministrations.

3.    Another fact was that God was doing so many things for the members of the congregation, but many of the beneficiaries chose not to testify.

4.    A government ministry refused to pay Monica Odumegwu her pension and gratuities, after paying others. By prayers and spiritual works, after much delay, she was paid her pension and gratuities complete. But, she did not give testimony.

5.    The same Monica Odumegwu, whose family had no land and no house for many years, was able to acquire land and build house. She was able to do this after the death of her husband, and after series of prayers and spiritual works for her to have her own house and home. But, no testimony was given by her. The money for building her house was not from her gratuities.

6.    Umunna Muofunanya made money by selling land, and he purchased a bus for public transport. But, no testimony was given by him.

7.    A member was able to get water bore hole. To make a bore hole water costs millions of money. But, no testimony was given.

8.    The ministry was suddenly ejected out of her venue. But God provided millions of money, by cash and loans, and the ministry was able to get land, and build underground temple, with spaces far more than the former venue. But, no testimony. Instead of thanking God, for His goodness, the fallen ministers and expelled members started acting awkwardly, in very bad ways and manners. That was when all these problems and complains started.

9.    Etc.


Payment Of Tithes

1.    Majority of them do not pay tithes.

2.    How can the mother general of a church Monica Odumegwu, not be paying her tithes, despite several reminders and warnings? Despite the fact that the ministry is indebted to the tune of millions, in several fronts? And despite God’s blessings and favours upon her?

3.    How can she call herself mother general, when she does not pay her tithes in her own mission? She sends her tithes to outsiders.

4.    Even those of them who were doing successful businesses were not paying tithes, to make things easy for the few active ministers.

5.    And they always opposed every move to give financial assistance to the few active and hardworking ministers, despite the fact that several active ministers left the ministry because of lack of foods and because of their inability to pay for house rents.


Interim Conclusion

The conclusion of the matter is this. The fallen ministers and expelled members were removed by Archangel Michael, after several warnings. What Archangel Michael did was very good, and all the future ministers and members that shall behave like the fallen ministers and expelled members shall also be removed, from the ministry, sooner or later. The time of mercy has gone. It is either a person does what is expected of him or he will be ejected out. The bad ones must not be allowed to hinder progress or spoil the good ones.


Ifeanyi Okeke

This member was a boy of about 16 years old. He came to the ministry on the eve of Day of Atonement. He was outside the temple, standing by the window, pressing phone, while others were inside the temple praying. The master of ceremony, MC, asked him to go into the temple or leave the venue. He refused, and the MC had to drag him outside. He started fighting the MC.

The head called him, cautioned him and suspended him from the ministry. Instead of going home, he stood by a heap of bags of stones, and was steadily throwing stones at the temple. He was doing this in the front of the new members and before people who came to the ministry for the first time. Doing so on the Day of Atonement. One of the stones hit a child on the eye lids, wounding the upper and lower eye lids, luckily without damaging the eyes, because the Angels used their wings to shield the ministry from the stones.


After doing all these evils and abominations, he showed no remorse. Rather, he was frequently calling on the phone and sending text messages, issuing threats of what harm he was going to do.



1.    How can mature men and women join somebody, who was throwing stones at God, to form a church?

2.    How can a mother general and ministers join a young man, who was impregnating girls, to form a church?

3.    How can a mother, whose son was throwing stones at God, go about calling the Son of man, Jesus Christ, evil man?

4.    Whoever supports what the fallen ministers and expelled members did should be ready to spend eternity with them inside the hell fire. The Lord Almighty is the Battle Axe!


Claims Of Demonic Possession

One of the claims of the fallen ministers and expelled members was that Ifeoma Ejelue was possessed by marine spirit. On this issue, the head of DivineBase Ministry said:

1.    If Ifeoma Ejelue was being possessed by marine spirit, the only thing necessary was to perform deliverance on her.

2.    What the head was against was the fact that they went about telling people and prophesying that Ifeoma Ejelue was possessed by marine spirit.

3.    That deliverance has to be quietly and silently done. It is not something you go about telling people.

4.    Several of the fallen ministers and expelled members were possessed by marine spirits and idols. Some of them were idol priests and priestess, in this their present or previous lifetimes. The head did not go about telling people that those ministers and members were possessed. All that the head did was to quietly and silently perform deliverance eon them, without telling people.

5.    The most painful and disappointing things were that the fallen ministers and expelled members were telling new comers about this issue, mocking her to the hearing of new members and new comers.


The Worst

Another worst thing they did against the DivineBase Ministry was that they went about telling people that the ministry was no longer in existence. They were busy diverting intending new members and old members to their own man-made church. They were convincing people that the teachings of the head of DivineBase Ministry were false, despite the fact that the man who saw God face to face, before more than forty (40) times, and now more than seventy (70) times, is the reincarnated Jesus Christ. They deceived majority of the DivineBase members out of the ministry and prevented many people who wanted to join the ministry.


The Consequences

All the seven fallen ministers and expelled members were driven out by Archangel Michael and shall not be allowed again into DivineBase Ministry. Thy have made themselves enemies of God. What they did was exactly what happened at the time of Holy Moses, in the wilderness, when some people turned against Holy Moses, to mislead many Israelites from the true way, and they were destroyed by the anger and wrath of Yahweh, the Lord of the Hosts.


The Worst Aspect

These fallen ministers and expelled members were called by God to bring more and more people into the DivineBase Ministry. Instead of doing so, they kept themselves busy preventing people from joining the ministry, diverting people away from the ministry, even so on the first day that new people come to the ministry, removing the current members to other churches, ministries and fellowships. They were busy cursing, accusing, blaming and mocking the regular and active ministers, and they went about telling people that DivineBase Ministry is no longer existence.



The above happenings have being recorded as a warning to all present and future members of DivineBase Ministry. The members must not allow any person or group to mislead them from the DivineBase Ministry, which is the throne of God and the last opportunity for humanity to get salvation. Be warned.


The Failed Mission


Pleading For Mercy Without Remorse

On the Seventhday, 20th November, 2021, when Sabbath prayers and worship were about to end, three persons walked into the temple. They were one young man, a girl and a small boy – these three were among the fallen ministers and expelled members. They came to plead for mercy and forgiveness, because of the crisis and troubles they caused the DivineBase Ministry.


King Joseph De World Emperor was ministering when they came in. And King Joseph asked the head, “What have these people come here to do?”

And the head said, “Lord, ignore them,” because they can be rough and tough, ready to fight and tear, even to Angels of God. According to revelation, King Joseph kept silent but gave the head the spirit to attend to them.


When they were given chance to speak, their leader said, “We are here to plead for forgiveness, because people overseas are asking us to make peace. I am here to plead for forgiveness because of the bad words I spoke to the head one night. This boy … should also plead for forgiveness, and that is why we decided that he should come here with us.”


When he finished speaking, the head who is the man that saw God face to face replied, “Those people overseas were able to know that there was quarrel here.

But, why is it that they have not seen that God Almighty came down here in DivineBase Ministry?

Why is it that they have not come here with gifts and offerings to bid God Almighty welcome?

Therefore, those people overseas are false prophets. See how the temple in which the FirstSon of God is present is desolate, and they are overseas seeing visions of misunderstanding without seeing visions that God Almighty is here present.”


Concerning the small boy, he said,

“Is this boy like somebody who is pleading for mercy?

He is a Sabbatharian, but he is not dressed like the Sabbatharians.” The boy was wearing worldly and demonic dress of mixed colours, whereas the other two were wearing white garment.


In conclusion, the head said,

“You know that many of the fallen ministers and expelled members were not attending Fourthday prayers and Sixthday Sabbath eve prayers, when many spiritual works were being done.


“One day, I came for Fourthday prayer. I was sitting inside the temple. Suddenly, boiling water was all over my body. It was as if more and more boiling water was being poured on my body.


“I inquired in spirit to know the cause of the heat wave, and I was told that the very humanity I was interceding for inside the heavenly court, are busy saying all kinds of bad things about me, plotting aganist me and attacking me. They were doing all these and more, while I was inside the heavenly court interceding for them.


“Therefore, there and then, I did a spiritual work and handed over to the Chief Judge, Archangel Mikel, and I left the heavenly court. There is nothing again that I can do because I have left the heavenly court.”

Immediately the head finished speaking, the young man left the temple, beckoning on the other two to follow him. They left.


Why Their Visit And Plea Were Not Successful

1.     There was no signs of remorse or repentance in their conduct or in themselves.

2.     Immediately they came in, the lead young man started to sing, clap and dance. A person who had remorse would have come in, full of humility and remorse with a deep sense of guiltiness. A guilty person does not sing, clap, dance or rejoice. Instead, he is sorrowful or dejected, looking disappointed and in trouble.

3.     When he wanted to speak, he stood up. A person begging for mercy and forgiveness should have knelt down.

4.     Even if he was not kneeling down, the moment the head said that the case has been handed over to the chief judge, they supposed to have knelt down and started crying and begging, because the case is no longer a small matter. It is getting severe and terrible, with unavoidable terrible consequences.

5.     The next thing a sensible man should have done, immediately the head finished speaking, was to kneel down or ly down, and plead for mercy and forgiveness. He just turned and left the temple.

6.     Among all the elders and mothers involved in the case, none was present among the delegation. This is a sign of non-seriousness, disrespect and lack of due process. Such journey should be led by elders, or mothers where there are no elders.

7.     If a person stole somebody’s things, the first thing he should do before asking for forgiveness, is to return all the stolen items. They came back alone, after removing over one hundred people from the DivineBase Ministry, leaving behind about twenty persons. Only seven persons were officially suspended, but the same seven persons kept themselves busy calling on the phones, asking more and more people to leave DivineBase and join them.

8.     If they were serious enough, they supposed to bring back to DivineBase Ministry all the people, both old and new members, whom they misled away from the ministry.

9.     The worst was that they were busy telling people that DivineBase Ministry was no longer in existence. The very people God sent to bring people into the ministry, are on the roads and by the roadsides telling people not to go to DivineBase.

10. Besides, they were boasting, telling people that the head must first call them back, before they shall return to DivineBase Ministry.

11. And that when they come back, they shall state the conditions for running the ministry.

Have you ever seen such an evil plan and pride?

Human beings deciding how the temple of God shall be used?

Human beings dictating for God Almighty, when they should come in, sit down to learn and do what God wants.

12. Even those who were not suspended went about telling people that they were suspended.

13. The mothers among the fallen ministers and expelled members did not collect and return the money that they refunded back to those who made contributions for new born babies, as was directed by the head of DivineBase.

14. The elder that was charged to ensure that the money was collected and returned did not do that and did not care to join the delegation.