The Throne Of God


Part 2




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Holy Joshua De Conqueror Speaks About Chime Hall, DivineBase

It is with anger and wrath that I came in. Archangel Samson has chained the Chime Hall at DivineBase. There shall be no success and prosperity there.


We, the Hosts of Angels and Saints of heaven, have bound the Chime Hall with chain. Archangel Samson has taken his position there. But, ourselves, the Hosts of Angels and Saints of heaven, have chained the Chime Hall venue.


I knew that Archangel Samson is coming. The FirstSon gave us order. After myself, Archangel Samson shall take position, come in.


Archangel Samson has chained the four corners of the Chime Hall. Nothing goes out and nothing comes in, until the will of God is done. Myself is handing over the Chime Hall in the name of the Father, the FirstSon and the Holy Spirit. I have handed over the hall into the hands of Archangel Samson, because myself has finished my work today.


Holy Samson De Conqueror Gives Revelations Against Abagana People



I have come in!



Who is the President General of Abagana? He is Ik Onwuadi.

In the year 2019/2020?

He is boasting against this ministry. He is boasting.

He said, “If I hear Chime Hall again from your mouth …”


I have given him date.

I have given him date.

I have given him date.

Let him count seven days from today.

If he does not come here to confess, he shall die by shameful and merciless death, sudden death.


Message at Chime Hall:

They sat round at a table, in a meeting, planning against this ministry.

As I have stepped my feet herein, in this Chime Hall ground, even so I am always here present, in the morning, afternoon and night – myself and all the Hosts of the Angels of Heaven.


Inside the ministry:

When they plan evil against others, it is sweet to them. But, what is sweet is also bitter. Their plans, actions and weapons shall devour themselves boomerang.


I can destroy billions and billions in a second.

I can destroy billions and billions of people in a second.

I can destroy billions and billions of things in a second.


Son of man, give each person seven palm fronds.

Son of man, give the congregation palm fronds, each person seven palm fronds. If the number of palm fronds is not sufficient, give one person one palm frond. It is one that represents, means, seven. One transforms into seven.


As each person has being given one palm frond, even so I stand in front of each person. The palm frond is victory given to you, even so seven times. Wherever you are, I am also present.


Visitations Of The Wrath Of God

On DivineBase And The World Of Humanity


Everlasting Father.

Everlasting Father.

Everlasting Father.

Everlasting Father.

Everlasting Father.

Everlasting Father.

Everlasting Father.


Son man, read the bible reference you got at the beginning of this work.



A wise man scales the city of the mighty, and brings down the trusted stronghold. Proverbs 21:22


Son of man, I have come to make the work of Holy Samson De Conqueror firm, to make it spread worldwide, against all those who are rebuking against God Almighty, including those who reject or oppose the end time messages and warnings.

As Holy Samson De Conqueror entered Chime Hall, broke in pieces and devoured, even so shall his work spread to all the ends of the earth, including those who are silent opposers, and those who say in their hearts that what God said shall not be done. Today, all of them are being driven away from their thrones.


Tell Abagana people, that God said, “Since He entered this DivineBase city and Abagana people are rebuking against Him, that what He will do in this Abagana city shall make the ears to tingle. All that Abagana people trust in or depend on shall elude them, including their money and wealth, including those very important personalities that they trust in.”


Even so are uncountable swords moving out, to all the ends of the earth.


I am the Lord Almighty.

The Lord Almighty is the Battle Axe.


As I have said this and turned round, even so have the Angels matched out, to all the ends of the world.

Even so I strike them, smashing them into pieces, both spiritually and physically.


“Since Abagana were not afraid to block God’s way, He has spread the Angels. The Angels shall level down this Abagana city, and none shall stand, except those who are obedient to the word of God.”


Many of them in leadership positions, all over the world, are already inside the hell fire. They shall know that wherever Holy Samson De Conqueror steps his feet in, that it is caterpillar and bulldozer that has come devastating.


Future Regrets And Blames By Jeremiah

And it shall come to pass, that the future generations of Abagana shall be blaming their ancestors, who were the contemporaries of the man who saw God face to face, before more than forty (40) times, and now more than seventy (70) times.

The descendants shall ask:

Why their ancestors did not do the needful?

Why did the ancestors refused to build the Lord’s temple as directed by God Almighty?

Why were the ancestors so foolish to miss such a golden opportunity?

Despite several notices?

Despite several reminders?

Despite repeated warnings?

And despite several processions, in which Yahweh, the Lord of the Hosts, participated both spiritually and physically?

During which processions, the congregation were bowing down to God Almighty, even so along the main road. And Yahweh, the Lord of the Hosts, was then possessing a young lady.


Many Years Of Labour

By Archangel Phanuel


Let the person be having joy, let him be having joy, because God the Father has special love and likeness for him.

Every person that has come into this DivineBase Ministry, what did I say?

Let him be having joy.

God the Father did everything possible, and even did far more – to bring the person into this DivineBase Ministry.

Son of man, somebody wants to do good for you, and he does it far more than he should have done.

Have you heard or seen such a thing before? No, my Lord.

Where a person is expecting a gift of N10,000, but he was given millions.

Do you see that the giver has done exceedingly very well? Yes, my Lord.


Even so God the Father has done for the good and salvation of every person who has stepped into this DivineBase Ministry – you do not know the many years of calculations and planning, many years of efforts and patience, many years of watchfulness and connections, by which the Hosts of Angels and Saints of heaven bring a person into this DivineBase Ministry.


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