Destinies Are Not The Same



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All Destinies Are Not The Same

In the following message, an Angel of God makes it clear

 that all destinies are not the same.


Your stride is a gentle one.

 - Slow and steady pace - ije nwayoo

 (You are a gentle one.

Everything about you is not in haste.)


But, will you be patient?

If you will be patient with God, He shall do things for you (success, prosperity and exaltation). Continue to follow the Lord as you are already doing.


Do not use excessive wisdom (oke amamihe) and worldly understanding in following God. Follow Him like the woman called Ruth, of whom you know about in the holy book.

You heard the story about the woman called Ruth? As is written in the Bible? Do like that woman.

Go to the holy book, read about Ruth, from the beginning to the end. Know the nature of that woman, so that you should know how you should be.


For God Almighty is present. He is on your right side. He is on your left side. He is with you, right round you.


For some times, you have angel visitors in dream. Is it true or false? Sometimes, God shows mysterious visions to you, which you do not understand. And when you wake up, you feel confused. And you will be asking, “What is this? Is this how it is?”


Stop asking. Stop asking that question. The only thing you should do is to take your Bible, open it (cast it to a page, after prayers) and there are portions where God will reveal things to you, concerning the way of heaven.


When He shows you the way, follow the way. Do you hear this message? For God desires your heart.



You are moving with gentle stride. But, strive very hard (remain steadfast).  Strive very hard (remain steadfast). God shall be gracious to you.

But, it shall be at a slow and steady pace. Your step (destiny) is a gentle stride. But, God will surely do it for you (bless you).


If you will be patient, at last, all those who laughed at you, shall say that they do not know where you went to make charm. They will say, the charms you have made, they do not know. They shall seek to find out where you made charm from.


And God shall use you to convert souls… and God shall be gracious to you in abundance.

(Your destiny is a gentle one. Do not be in haste. Do not spend your time thinking that your mates have gone very far and left you behind. Stop saying that your mates have done this and have done that, that they have achieved this and accomplished that. Stop thinking that way. When your blessings shall manifest, people shall say that you make and use charm, because the blessings shall be great and wonderful. )


Archangel Duma Explains The Meaning Of Destiny

Destiny is the reason why you have come to the world.

Destiny refers to your spiritual talents.

Destiny refers to talents.

For example, the destiny of a medical doctor is healing.

The destiny of a lawyer is to settle cases.

The destiny of a wise man is to give useful and meaningful advice to people.

The destiny of a farmer is to produce food for the feeding of the masses.

The destiny of a bank manager is to safe keep and manage people’s money, which are deposited into the bank.

The destiny of a musician is to produce good and melodious tunes.

The destiny of a singer is to sing praises to God.


By Rejection

If you tell somebody, a children of God, something and he rejects it immediately, then you know that that thing is not the person’s destiny. A person does not show interest in what is not his destiny or talent.



By The Twelve Apostles


Many people do not know what they have come to the world to do. Many do not know the various works which God the Father has planned to use them to do.


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